Читать книгу Igniting Customer Connections - Frawley Andrew - Страница 9

Part One
Connect with Your Customers —Now
Chapter 1
The New Marketing Landscape
Tectonic Shift #5: The World Moves Faster Than Ever


Traditional marketing – and by that I mean marketing from a decade ago or even less – looks really slow from our current vantage point, while the landscape looks far bigger (and harder to traverse) than in the past. Now that traditional marketing has shifted to digital media, now that marketers are interactive marketers, now that consumers are always on, the speed of change is faster than ever – for customers and the brands that serve them. Brands have the unequaled opportunity to be connected in real time to customers, as well as the challenge of delivering a unified customer experience in a multichannel world. Consumers expect a lightning-fast response from their brands – to a request, complaint, or review. They want respectful, responsive service. In fact, 71 percent of consumers agree: valuing their time is the most important factor in good customer service. And the stakes are higher, since one customer's dissatisfaction can quickly spread. But get it right, and consumers spread that news as well.

No one has enough time, creating a degree of time starvation that is reflected in all aspects of consumer behavior. For marketers, this lack of time means that you must be agile, delivering information designed to be consumed and understood quickly. And dynamic content generation speeds the whole process even more.

Igniting Customer Connections

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