Читать книгу Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal - Gerhard Köstner - Страница 45
Оглавление06 Tagesordnung
Nach den allgemeinen Punkten zur Einleitung und Eröffnung der Konferenz geht es nun zur Tagesordnung über. Sie ist der Rahmenplan für die meisten formellen Besprechungen und wird einschließlich eventueller Begleitunterlagen schon lange vor dem Besprechungstermin verteilt. Für den Vorsitz ist sie auch ein Werkzeug, um eine Besprechung „auf Kurs“ zu halten und zügig abzuarbeiten.
Ladies and Gentlemen, if there are no further questions on organizational or procedural matters and if there is no objection, the orders of the day / order of business / agenda / will now be taken up.
What is the suggested agenda for our annual press conference?(Jahrespressekonferenz)
Let me take a couple of minutes to discuss our agenda today.
The agenda for this conference is written on a flipchart which can be seen all the time and will help you to keep track of the proceedings.
There are three items on the agenda. First, …/ Second, …/ Third, …
The business for next week will be…(Gesprächspunkte)
Verteilung der Tagesordnung
The agenda should have been circulated to all attendees a week before the date of this meeting.
Has everyone / Have you all / received a copy of the agenda?
We´ll now pass around copies of the agenda.
On the handout, you can see the agenda of our meeting today.
The Secretary will now read out the items on the agenda.
A written report has been submitted and handed to the secretary.
The report will be placed on file. It will be made part of the minutes of the meeting.
Erweiterung der Tagesordnung
A motion should be made before an additional item of business is discussed.
You may suggest additional items if you see fit.
Would you like to add anything?
Does / Would / anybody wish to add something / further items / to the agenda?
I´d like to add an item to the agenda.
This item should be put on the agenda.
I propose to put this issue on the agenda.
The item will be included in the agenda.
What items from the previous meeting need to be placed on the agenda?
Some items have been left over or postponed from the previous meeting and should be included on the agenda.
Kürzung der Tagesordnung
Could we / Do you wish to / delete this item from the agenda?
I suggest we remove this item from the agenda.
Our agenda today is relatively crowded.
I think there are too many discussion points on the agenda.
Verabschiedung der Tagesordnung
I want to make a motion to approve the agenda.
The Chair will now entertain a motion to approve the agenda.
The affirmative has it and the agenda is adopted.(Die Ja-Stimmen haben die Mehrheit.)
The agenda is approved as drafted.(… in der als Entwurf vorliegenden Form.)