Читать книгу Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal - Gerhard Köstner - Страница 53
Оглавление14 Abstimmung
Wenn es in einer Konferenz oder Versammlung um wichtige Entscheidungen geht, muss evtl. darüber eine Abstimmung erfolgen. Die folgenden Wendungen und Formulierungen sollen dem Vorsitzenden helfen, solche Abstimmungsverfahren in englischer Sprache zu leiten.
Feststellung der Notwendigkeit einer Abstimmung
The Chair will put the question to vote.(zur Abstimmung vorlegen)
This motion must be voted upon.(… muss abgestimmt werden)
We need to vote on this issue, if we can´t get a unanimous decision.(einstimmiger Beschluss)
We shall have to take a vote, if no consensus is reached.
I feel it would be wiser to postpone a vote until we have all the facts.
Let´s have a vote and wrap up the meeting.(abstimmen und nochmals zusammenfassen)
I suggest we have a vote on this issue.
We should go into a division.(Abstimmung)
A division needs to be taken.
Let´s see whether we can come together.
Hopefully, we´ll pass that resolution.
We should aim to reach a consensus.
Are we ready to make a decision?
Are you ready for the vote?
Could we take a vote on this item?
Why don´t we put this proposal to a vote?
Let´s put it / this issue / question / to (the) vote.
Let´s take a vote on it.
Let´s take the vote.
The motion should be discussed and voted on by the members / meeting.
I think we should take a second vote.
The resolution will be voted on without a debate.
It is not debatable, it is not amendable and cannot be reconsidered.
Let´s put to a vote any pending questions(anstehende Fragen / Anträge) without allowing further debate.
Vorbereitung und Voraussetzungen (z.B. Beschlussfähigkeit für die Abstimmung)
We now come/proceed to the vote on … (… kommen jetzt zur Abstimmung über …)
We are going to hold a vote now.
We shall then proceed directly to the vote on this proposal.
A quorum must be present to pass this statute.(Beschlussfähigkeit muss gegeben sein)
The business of the meeting cannot be conducted unless a quorum is present.
We have a quorum (i.e. more than half of the votes cast).
The Chair takes note that a quorum is present.
The motion must have a majority vote to adopt.(Stimmenmehrheit)
This decision can be made by a majority vote / by general consensus.(… erfolgt mit Stimmenmehrhet / allgemeiner Übereinstimmung)
The motion requires a two-thirds majority vote to pass.(Zweidrittelmehrheit)
This motion is decided by a simple majority vote.(einfache Mehrheit)
The majority decision will be accepted.
In the event of a tie(Stimmengleichheit), the Chairman will have the casting vote.(ausschlaggebende Stimme)
Unanimity is required to make this decision.(Einstimmigkeit)
Who are the eligible voting members on the Committee?(wahlberechtigte Mitglieder)
Durchführung / Abwicklung der Abstimmung
The vote is on Resolution No. 201.
Are you ready to cast your vote?(Stimme abgeben)
I request that the vote be recorded in the minutes.(… im Protokoll verzeichnet)
I move to have a roll-call vote / vote by roll call.(namentliche Abstimmung)
I think there is no (good) reason to have a private vote.(geheime Abstimmung)
I prefer to call for a voice vote for each specific item.(nach Lautstärke der mündlich abgegebenen Stimmen)
I move to dispense with the secret ballot for this item.(geheime Abstimmung)
The report will be voted on by secret ballot.
Permission may also be granted by silent consent.(stillschweigende Zustimmung)
Don´t forget to put your ballot in the box on the way out.
Please fill out the ballots and place them in the box to be counted.
I call for the ballots to be collected.(Einsammeln der Stimmzettel)
Please raise your hand if you agree.
Those in favour / opposed /, raise their hands / please stand.
Please be seated.
You are requested to raise your hands in favour or in opposition of the issue.
Can I ask for a show of hands?(Handzeichen)
All those in favour / against /, please raise your hands.
Who is for / against / the motion?
All in favour? / All opposed?
The majority voted against the draft.
A minority opposed it.(Eine Minderheit lehnte ab)
Those in favour of sustaining the decision of the Chair say Aye.(Beschluss übernehmen)
Those opposed to sustaining the decision of the chair say No.
As many are in favour of the adoption of the resolution just read will say Aye.
As many are of a contrary opinion will say No.
Those in favour of the report say Aye (or raise your voting card).
The Ayes have it. Congratulations.
Those opposed to the report say No.
Those opposed, please say No / raise your voting card.(Stimmkarte)
Does anyone wish to abstain from voting?(sich enthalten)
Any abstentions?(Enthaltungen?)
There is an appeal from the decision of the chair.(Einspruch erheben)
Mr Chair, I appeal (from) the decision of the chair.
Gesamtergebnis der Abstimmung
It is now time to count the votes.
I did not take a poll of everyone in the room.(… nicht jeden in die Umfrage einbezogen)
The motion is carried / failed / defeated.(angenommen / abgelehnt)
The motion is carried unanimously.
The resolution is passed unanimously.
The vote is unanimous.
The motion to amend the contract is carried / lost.
The decision of the Chair is reversed.(aufgehoben)
The decision of the Chair is sustained.(stattgegeben)
The No’s have it and the decision of the Chair is reversed by the vote of the assembly.(Die Nein-Stimmen haben die Mehrheit. Beschluss des Vorsitzes ist aufgehoben)
The affirmative has it and the report is adopted.(Ja-Stimmen haben die Mehrheit)
The majority vote is in the affirmative: The motion is carried.(Die Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen ist dafür. Der Antrag ist angenommen)
The majority vote is in the negative: The motion is defeated.(… ist dagegen …ist abgelehnt)
An affirmative vote cannot be reconsidered.
We accept the report with thanks.(ohne Abstimmung)
Ergebnis nach abgegebenen Stimmen
The division results in a majority of 25 votes (cast).(Abstimmung durch Hammelsprung ergibt …)
The motion is carried / rejected / by 10 votes to 5.
We have 20 votes for, 18 against and 5 abstentions.
The amendment is voted down.(abgelehnt)
The Ayes have it, and the decision of the Chair is sustained.
The Ayes have it by a /3 vote.
The “Yeas”/”Nays” have it.
The No’s have it by more than a /3 vote and the motion to postpone the special order is lost.
The Chair is in doubt. Let me divide the Ayes from the Noes / No’s.
The voting has resulted in a tie. Do you demand a recount?(Stimmengleichheit. …Nachzählung)
Is there any discussion?(Diskussionsbedarf)