Читать книгу Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal - Gerhard Köstner - Страница 46
Оглавление07 Überleitung zur Tagesordnung
Abarbeitung der Tagesordnung
Let´s proceed / pass / to the order of the day / agenda.(zur Tagesordnung übergehen)
I shall now proceed with the orders of the day.(… mit der Tagesordnung fortfahren)
First, I need to know if there are enough people / attendees / members / present to make a valid decision.
This morning we will first have to decide on a motion raised by …(Antrag eingebracht von …)
It looks like everyone is here today.
Do we have a quorum?(Sind wir beschlussfähig?)
We must be a quorum.
The list of speakers is very long today.(Wir haben heute viele Wortmeldungen)
We should set timing guidelines for each topic to keep the meeting on schedule.(Redezeitvorgaben)
We may have to set special times for discussion of some of the motions.
We should stick to the time limit.(Redezeitbegrenzung)
We´ve got a full / crowded / agenda today.
As you know, we have an agressive agenda.
We have a lot to cover today, so we really should begin.
There is a lot to cover in a limited amount of time.
There are many topics and issues that will be discussed.
There are many topics we need to discuss and act upon.
We should proceed as fast as possible.
The first item / topic / on our agenda this morning is …
There are ten items on the agenda. Shall we take the points in this order?
I suggest we take item 3 last.
If you don´t mind, I´d like to skip item 1 and move on to item 2.(überspringen)
We´re running behind schedule, so we´ll have to skip the next item.
This item is still / remains / will be / high on the agenda.
We may have to change the order of the items on the agenda.(Reihenfolge)
Attendees should be able to follow the agenda as the meeting progresses.
As you can see / As can be seen / from the agenda, …
As may be seen from this diagram, …
We should also draw up an agenda for the next meeting.
An action item list / action plan / will be drawn up and all action points will be assigned to different members of the committee / working groups / workshops.(Maßnahmenkatalog, Aktiospunkte, Maßnahmen)
Einstieg in die einzelnen Punkte der Tagesordnung
Let´s start with the first item on the agenda.
So, the first item on the agenda is…
The first business in order / order of business / is the election of a secretary.
The general business will now be taken up.(Eintritt in die allgemeine Tagesordnung)
The following papers will be discussed: …(Vorträge, Referate)
Here is a long-running issue I want to bring to a head.(zur Sprache bringen)
John, would you like to kick off. / …would you like to introduce the first item? / Would you be good enough to give us a brief introduction?
Would you introduce us to today´s topic?
First, we need to talk about …
Shall we start with …
First, let´s go over the report from our last meeting in London.
We will now hear a report from the steering committee.(Lenkungsausschuss)
We will hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion round the table.(Diskussionsrunde)
Nächster Punkt
Let me conclude this point and lead into the next item on our agenda.(übergehen zum …)
What´s next on the agenda?
The next item on the agenda is …
The next item (of business) is …
The next business in order is the appointment of a committee.(nächster Tagesordnungspunkt)
New business is now in order.
The next order of business is the report of the Chairman.
The next order of the day is the presentation by Mr Morton of the report on …
I suggest we change the subject / topic.(Thema wechseln)
Let´s call it quits and change the subject.(Schluss damit und Themenwechsel)
Next I would like to explain …
Now I come to my second point.
Now we come to the question of …
At this point I´d like to turn to the question of …
Let me now turn to another subject.
Turning to the problem of …, let me …
I´d rather turn to the next point on the agenda.
I think we should now turn our attention to …
Shouldn´t we rather turn to the more important question of …?
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to move on / we need to move on.
Moving on to another topic, let me bring up …
OK, shall / should / can we / move on?
Perhaps we should move on to the next point.
I think it´s time to move on to the next topic on the agenda.
I think I have addressed that question. Let´s move on to a new topic.
Let´s move to another topic. Let´s talk about …
Let’s move on now and look at Section 6 of the document.
If nobody has anything else to add, perhaps we could look at the next point.
If there is nothing else we need to discuss, let´s move on to the next agenda item.
If there are no further discussions on …(… kein weiterer Diskussionsbedarf, Gesprächsbedarf)
Let´s worry about that later. We have more urgent problems right now.
Let´s proceed with the work.
Let´s talk business.(kommen wir zur Sache)
I suggest we move on to a brainstorming session concerning this issue.
We shall now proceed to unfinished business.(ungeklärte / unerledigte Fragen)
I now want to address some unfinished business.