Читать книгу Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal - Gerhard Köstner - Страница 49
Оглавление10 Abschweifung vom Thema
Der Vorsitzende stellt fest, dass sich die Besprechung bzw. der Redner vom Thema entfernt …
We are getting off the subject.(vom Thema abkommen)
We have got off the track.
The meeting is going off-track.
We're getting a little sidetracked here.
I think we´re steering / getting / off topic a bit with this discussion.
That’s a very good point, but it’s not on topic.(… gehört nicht zum Thema)
Let´s try to stay on topic.(beim Thema bleiben)
I am afraid we are moving too far away from the subject.(zu weit vom Thema entfernen)
I am afraid we are losing / we´re beginning to lose / sight of the main point of our conference.(aus den Augen verlieren)
You are wandering away from the subject.(Sie entfernen sich vom Thema)
I´m afraid we´ve strayed from the matter at hand.(von der Tagesordnung abschweifen)
Straying away from the topic only robs time from what we intend to accomplish.
… und der zur Sprache gebrachte Punkt oder die laufende Diskussion nicht auf der Tagesordnung stehen oder für den Zweck der Sitzung irrelevant sind.
This matter is not on today´s agenda.
We are not following the adopted agenda.
This discussion does not pertain to the business at hand.(… keinen Bezug zur Tagesordnung)
It is irrelevant to the subject under discussion.
I am afraid this isn´t really relevant to our discussion.
I don't think that that's really a question that is relevant.
In my opinion, we have been focusing too much on items which are not of relevance to our meeting.
It would go beyond the scope of our meeting.
I´m afraid that´s outside the scope of this meeting.
The meeting appears to be "going round in circles".
Aufforderung, beim Thema zu bleiben
Mr Chair / Madam Chair(man), I call for the order(s) of the day.
I require the order of business to be followed.(Tagesordnung einhalten)
Orders of the day are called for and I shall now proceed to the proper current item of business.
I prefer to continue with the currently pending business instead of proceeding with the scheduled item of business.(aktuelles Thema statt geplanter Tagesordnungspunkt)
Let's not get off the subject.(… nicht vom Thema abschweifen)
Let´s not get side-tracked.
Let´s get back on track.
Let´s try to keep the meeting on track.
Can we get back to the agenda?
Could you keep to the point?
Can we stick to / the agenda / the main points?
Could you stick to the subject, please?
Let´s stay on topic.
Please come to the point.
Let´s come / get to the point.
To the point please! / Keep to the point please!(Bleiben Sie bitte beim Thema)
We must not lose sight of the main point here.
I ask the speaker to confine / limit / himself to the subject under discussion.
Please speak to the subject.
Let´s stick to the fundamental questions of …
Let´s stick to the task at hand, shall we?
Let´s keep the discussion focused.(fokussiert halten)
It is my job to keep everyone focused.
Why don´t we return to the main focus of this meeting.(Schwerpunkt)
Let´s not belabour this point.(herumreiten auf …)
You can discuss this among yourselves at another time.
Let´s save this for another meeting.
We shall have a Q and A afterwards.(Fragestunde)
We´ll give the opportunity for a Q and A.
I'd like to ask you to keep any questions you may have for the end of the presentation.
I demand that the regular order be immediately resumed.(Tagesordnung wieder aufnehmen)
We must have a two-thirds vote to set the orders of the day aside.(Tagesordnung aufheben)