Читать книгу Englische Rhetorik im Konferenzsaal - Gerhard Köstner - Страница 50
Оглавление11 Eröffnung der Debatte / Fragestunde
Einleitende Bemerkungen
The floor is now open for discussion.
The motion is again opened to discussion and vote.
I now look forward to a constructive and interesting discussion.
I am looking forward to the debate and the exchange of ideas.
I suggest to start by allowing you to introduce / identify / yourselves by name, age, name of your company / organization, function, specialty, etc.
Before we open this question up to the floor, let me say …(zur allgemeinen Diskussion stellen)
I suggest that we now begin the general discussion by hearing the following comment.
I will first of all call upon Mr Nash …(aufrufen)
Abarbeitung spezifischer Punkte
These are the questions / issues / we need to address.(ansprechen)
The subject under discussion is …
Let me refer this question to the floor.(Frage an das Publikum verweisen)
These two questions are at issue: …(… stehen zur Debatte)
We must address these issues.(sich beschäftigen mit… / …ansprechen)
We should treat / deal with / these points first.
I want to bring this question / issue / to a head.(zur Sprache bringen)
I want to raise / bring up / another question / point / issue.
I want to put that forward for discussion.
I think we should enter into a discussion about …
I hope we´ll get a good discussion going.(auf die Reihe bekommen)
In approaching this issue, we should …(herangehen an …)
I don´t want to approach this issue lightly.
We can discuss the issue, but we should not go into detail.
I will not enter into details.
I am not familiar with the details.
I don't have the details of …
Feststellung der Sachlage
Let us start by considering the facts.
A discussion like this presupposes that you know all the facts / …presupposes some knowledge of the facts / situation …(… setzt voraus, dass …)
I'm afraid I don't have all facts at my fingertips.(… nicht parat haben)
We still don't know all the facts related to…
I´m talking facts, gentlemen.
The fact / truth / of the matter is simply that …(Tatsache ist ganz einfach, dass …)
The facts are very simple.
Pure and simple / Plain and simple.(schlicht und ergreifend)
This situation, pure and simple, is not acceptable.
It is clearly established.(Es steht eindeutig fest)
It is an established fact that …(Es steht einwandfrei fest)
It has been established that …
It is a proven fact that …(Es ist erwiesen, dass)
It is an undisputed fact …(unbestrittene / unstrittige Tatsache)
It is beyond dispute that …(Es steht unstrittig fest)