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What makes girls the way they are?


Female behaviour is not only inherited from a girl’s forebears, it is also learned, as every girl is born into a society where the relations between the sexes are already firmly established.

Moreover, each family has its own culture and history, which is part of society’s history. For us women, our female antecedents are of special significance. But it’s not only girls who need to understand their roots – all children need to! What do you personally know about your origins? Which religion, traditions, belief systems and behavioural patterns that are part of your family tradition have you adopted, and which have you discarded? For instance, do you come from a family for whom hard work has always been a top priority? Or maybe you come from an alcoholic family, and have inherited some of the baggage that goes with that. Your home life as a child might have been very happy and nurturing, or else quite strict and stressful. These are some examples of family behaviour patterns.

Raising Girls: Why girls are different – and how to help them grow up happy and confident

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