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The serratus anterior originates on the lateral surface of the ribs and (seen from behind) runs underneath the shoulder blade (scapula). It inserts on the medial border of the scapula, the side that is close to the spine. As it contracts, the serratus anterior draws the shoulder blades out to the sides, thus widening the area behind the heart. This action is of prime importance. Serratus anterior also strongly contracts during Shirshasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana, and handstand. It works together with the pectoralis minor in Chaturanga Dandasana, but is the prime mover of the shoulder girdle during the transition into Downward Dog and the jump back from the sitting postures.

The puffing out of the chest in standing postures is often achieved by contracting behind the heart. This action is performed by the rhomboid muscles. It represents an energetic closing and hardening, and can be counteracted by engaging serratus anterior.

Winged shoulder blades indicate a weakness of the serratus anterior muscle.

Ashtanga Yoga

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