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Vinyasa Seven


Inhaling, jump through to Dandasana. Fold the right leg and place the right foot outside the right hip, as far back as possible. Keep about two hands’ width, or enough space to fit your torso, between the right foot and the left inner thigh. The right foot is parallel to the left leg and not turned out. With the right arm, reach forward until your shoulder is in front of the knee. Wrap your right arm around the shin, ideally half way between knee and ankle. As your forward bend progresses, you will be able to wrap the arm lower down your shin. Work toward binding the left wrist with the right hand. Inhaling, lift the heart high. The right buttock deliberately leaves the floor.


The Gift

Marichyasana A is like a forward bend with a handicap. It is very challenging for those with tight hamstrings. The tendency here is to avoid taking weight into the bent leg, but to be propelled instead over onto the straight leg. This defeats the very challenge of the posture: to soften the hip of the bent leg. This posture prepares the hips for the Kurmasanas. Such flexibility is needed to perform the action of placing the leg behind the head.

The action of forward bending is performed solely by the hip flexors and is supported by the feet, legs, and trunk. With our hands bound, the temptation to use our arms for assistance to fold forward in the Marichyasanas is removed. Marichyasana A offers the therapeutic benefit of strengthening these muscles. The handicap becomes the gift.

Ashtanga Yoga

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