Читать книгу Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice - Группа авторов - Страница 41
ОглавлениеConsider these core values from the perspective of the work you did for Activity 3 in Chapter 1. Are there similarities between these core values of person‐centredness and your personal values? List the similarities and differences. Write a 100‐word reflection that captures how you as a person connect with these person‐centred values.
In writing your reflection, you might have considered ways in which you respect others as persons and how this respect translates into your ways of being and how you translate those ways of being into your practice. You might have also focused on ‘the individual’ and the importance of respecting individuality. This is a common focus in twenty‐first‐century society where respect for the person is often translated into an individualistic perspective where rights, expectations and demands shape our politics, sociocultural norms and behaviours, relationships and societal values. Indeed, some would argue that we have become so dominated by individualism that core values of ‘community’ have been eroded, leading to a breakdown of society and its supportive interconnected relationships (Everingham 2018).
New and innovative technologies in genetic research, expansion of the genome and the development of treatments that are highly individualised and personalised (e.g. personalised medicine) mean that healthcare professionals have to work in very different ways from those articulated in early writings about care and caring. Such developments have also influenced how healthcare teams are formed, how interdisciplinary practice is understood and operationalised and how knowledge and evidence is used in practice. Thus person‐centred practice cannot be understood in simplistic terms of ‘caring for a person’ or ‘providing care to a person’ or ‘working therapeutically with a person’ but instead needs to embrace a variety of individual, personal, contextual and political attributes that shape how we provide healthcare.
You can read more about these issues in the context of the development of person‐centredness as health strategy in McCormack et al. (2017) and in the context of research in van Dulman et al. (2017).