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ARTACE (Ἀρτάκη, ἡ)



University of Notre Dame

A city west of CYZICUS on Arctonnesus (“Bear island,” now Kapıdağı peninsula) off the Mysian coast of PROPONTIS (BA 52 B4), identified with modern‐day Erdek (Müller II, 785–87). Artace, a colony of MILETUS (Strabo 14.1.6/C635), was in the sixth and fifth centuries BCE an independent POLIS. Herodotus reports that it was burned by the Persians in the final year of the IONIAN REVOLT (493 BCE), while nearby Cyzicus was unharmed due to its agreement to become a subject of the king (6.33.2–3). Artace was subsequently rebuilt, as it became a member of the DELIAN LEAGUE and appears numerous times in the Athenian Tribute Lists.

At the same time, Artace served as an important harbor and access point to Cyzicus. In Herodotus’ story of ARISTEAS OF PROCONNESUS, it is at Artace that Aristeas is spotted, by a man on his way to Cyzicus, on the same day that the sage was reported to have died (4.14.1). At some point after 400 BCE, Artace must have been incorporated into Cyzicus: later authors for the most part mention the harbor and the mountain which protected it, but not the city (Strabo 12.8.11/C576; Steph. Byz. s.v. Ἀρτάκη (A 457); Plin. HN 5.141 (but cf. 5.151 and Ps.‐Scylax 94)).

SEE ALSO: Harbors; Oebares son of Megabazus

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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