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ARTACHAEES (Ἀρταχαίης, ὁ)



Università di Roma–La Sapienza

An ACHAEMENID highly regarded by XERXES, who together with BUBARES was in charge of the construction of the CANAL across the ATHOS peninsula (7.22.2). Artachaees was the tallest of the Persians and the man with the loudest voice of all mankind. When he died of DISEASE in ACANTHUS, the whole Persian army built his burial mound. On oracular advice the Acanthians instituted a hero‐cult for Artachaees, invoking him by name (7.117). OTASPES, commander of the ASSYRIANS during Xerxes’ expedition against Greece in 480 BCE (7.63.1), and ARTAŸNTES, admiral of the Persian fleet at MYCALE in 479 (8.130.2), may have been sons of this same Artachaees (Schmitt, IPGL 118 (no. 76)).

SEE ALSO: Artaeus; Burial Customs; Engineering; Heroes and Hero Cult

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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