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ARTAXERXES (Ἀρτοξέρξης, ὁ, OP Arta‐xšaça)



University of Chicago

Fifth king in the ACHAEMENID dynasty, who ruled from 465–424 BCE. The second‐born son of XERXES, Artaxerxes I acceded to the throne after his father’s assassination; he then consolidated power with the execution of his elder brother (Darius, whom he blamed—perhaps mistakenly or even disingenuously—for his father’s death) and defeat of his younger brother (Hystaspes, who led a revolt against him). Herodotus says nothing about these events, which occurred well after the period of the PERSIAN WARS, although he does group Artaxerxes with DARIUS I and Xerxes as the kings who inflicted greatest evils on Greece (6.98.2). In the same passage, he offers etymologies for the names of these rulers, taking Artaxerxes to mean “Great Warrior” (megas arēios). Like the others, this is incorrect and the name properly means “He whose kingship is Truth” (OP Arta‐xšaça; Schmitt, IPGL 105–7 (no. 64a)). Although his epithet “Longhand” signaled the ambitious reach of the Achaemenid empire, Artaxerxes shifted policy in the northwest from continued military confrontation to one that fostered rivalry among the Greek poleis via diplomacy and bribes (Dandamaev 1989, 250–57). Again, Herodotus says little about this, but mentions that CALLIAS (2) was negotiating with the Great King on behalf of ATHENS around the same time (449 BCE?) ARGOS reaffirmed its pact of friendship with him (7.151.1).

SEE ALSO: Delian League; Etymology; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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