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ARTAPHERNES (Ἀρταϕέρνης or –ϕρένης, ὁ) son of Artaphernes



Università di Roma–La Sapienza

Son of Artaphernes the half‐brother of DARIUS I. The younger Artaphernes and DATIS led the Persian expedition against Greece in 490 BCE (6.94.2). After the defeat at MARATHON he and Datis took the enslaved population of ERETRIA to SUSA (6.119.1). In 480 Artaphernes commanded the Lydian and Mysian troops in XERXES’ invasion force (7.74.2). The Greek form of the name renders OP *R&c.dotbl;ta‐farnā‐, “endowed with the Glory of the R&c.dotbl;ta” (i.e., truth, cosmic order, right: Schmitt, IPGL 116–17 (no. 75d)).

SEE ALSO: Artaphernes son of Hystaspes; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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