Читать книгу Pet-Specific Care for the Veterinary Team - Группа авторов - Страница 64



 Include STT with senior wellness panels for dogs.

 Include blood pressure measurement for every senior feline exam.

 Offer preanesthetic ECG screening for every patient, not just blood testing.

 Monitor blood pressure every six months for dogs on phenylpropanolamine.

 Offer ECG screening annually for every large‐breed dog with genetic risk for cardiomyopathy, including boxers and Doberman pinschers. VPCs often precede heart failure in dogs of these breeds when cardiomyopathy is developing.

 Offer NT‐ProBNP screening for giant breeds, which don't usually develop VPCs with their cardiomyopathy.

Pet-Specific Care for the Veterinary Team

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