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3.2 ISO's High‐Level Management System Structure (MSS)
ОглавлениеIn an effort to bring uniformity to its management system efforts, ISO's Technical Management Board (TMB) formed the ISO Ad Hoc Group on Management System Standards shortly after ISO 14001:1996 was published. This group published Guidelines for the Justification and Development of Management System Standards (ISO Guide 72) in 2001 (26). This guide presented common MS elements as:
1 Policy;
2 Planning;
3 Implementation and operation;
4 Performance assessment;
5 Improvement; and
6 Management review
These elements followed the structure of ISO 14001:1996 and were found in many nation‐specific approaches at that time.
In the early 2000s, the Ad Hoc Group on Management System Standards recommended the formation of the Joint Technical Coordination Group (JTCG) to work on establishing consistency between ISO's various management system standards; the TMB subsequently formed the JTCG on MSS. This group developed ISO Guide 83, High Level Structure, Identical Core Text and Common Terms and Core Definitions for use in MS Standards (27). This document was never formally adopted, but was issued in December 2011. In it was the recommendation to establish what is often referred to as ISO's “high‐level MSS structure.” These recommendations where subsequently adopted, and published in 2013, in Annex SL of ISO's Directives (also referred to as the ISO Supplement). Annex SL formally presented the new high‐level and generic MSS that all revisions and future ISO MSSs were required to follow (28). This high‐level MSS structure has 10 sections, these are:
1 Scope;
2 Normative references;
3 Terms and definitions;
4 Context of the organization;
5 Leadership;
6 Planning;
7 Support;
8 Operation;
9 Performance evaluation; and
10 Improvement
ISO 45001:2018 follows this outline as have all ISO MS standards since 2013, including ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015.