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Woodcarving Illustrated




from our


Reversed Pattern



Woodcarving Illustrated

I enjoyed the Turkey/Santa holiday ornament in

Woodcarving Illustrated

Fall 2013 (Issue 64) and plan to use

it in a class. However, the pattern of the turkey faces right

and all the instructions have the turkey facing left. This is a

bit confusing, but I can work with that, although beginning

carvers might have a hard time. But, the patterns of the

turkey and Santa are both for the same side of the wood.

You can’t make the double-sided ornament from them. In

order to get a pattern for the other side, you have to go to the

trouble to getting it into a computer and use software (if you

have it) to flip the image in reverse. This is an inconvenience

and not every subscriber will have the technology to do it.

If the pattern was of the left facing turkey, like the one in all

the photos, everything would have worked out fine.

Vince Hale

Via E-mail

Editor’s note: You are absolutely right. We carefully checked

that the patterns aligned, without ever thinking that they

shouldn’t. Here is a flopped pattern for our readers. Thanks

so much for drawing our attention to the error!


Roman Pawlowski of Kalamazoo,

Mich., and Kristopher Ream of

Greenwood, Ind., are the winners

drawn from the correct entries

received for


Fall 2013 (Issue 64).

The fox was hiding in the straw on

page 50, in the Caricature Horse


Find the fox in this issue, and contact us with the page number and location.

Two readers randomly selected from all correct replies will receive a $25 Fox Chapel

Publishing gift certificate. Entries must be received by December 25, 2013, to be


NOTE: With his feet on the “ground,” the contest fox faces left (other foxes in


don’t count).

Send your entry to

Woodcarving Illustrated

, Attn: Find the Fox, 1970 Broad Street,

East Petersburg, Pa. 17520, or enter online under the contests link at www.


Editor’s note: In

Woodcarving Illustrated


2011 (Issue 57), Frank Foust demonstrated how

to carve Comfort Birds, which are simple birds

he gives to people in need of comfort or sells to

benefit missionary work and disaster relief. Since

then, we’ve heard from many readers who have

carved the birds and given them away. Cindy’s

poem is a nice addition to the tradition.

Comfort Bird Note

I wanted to put something with a Comfort Bird

when I gave it to a person who needed it, so I

wrote this poem and thought I would share it

with you.

I am a Comfort Bird

I have flown to you

I will sit in your palm.

Together we can fly

to a place so calm.

Just hold me tight

for this flight.

Cindy Austin

Darien, Wis.

Woodcarving Illustrated Issue 74 Winter/Spring 2016

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