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Woodcarving Illustrated






Identification Statement: Woodcarving Illustrated vol. 17, no. 4

(Holiday 2013) (ISSN#1096-2816) is published four times a year in the months

of February, May, August, and November by Fox Chapel Publishing Co. Inc.,

1970 Broad Street, East Petersburg, PA 17520.

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Woodcarving and the use of associated equipment can potentially result in health hazards and


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Protect your respiratory system, hearing, vision, and the rest of your body

with the proper safety equipment and prudent precautions.

Read manuals supplied with your tools.

Be aware most accidents occur when you are tired or distracted.

And when in doubt, seek advice from

professionals on how to keep your tools sharp and maintained.

Volume 17, Number 4 (Issue No. 65)

How-To Magazine for Carvers™

Internet: www.WoodcarvingIllustrated.com

Woodcarving Illustrated Magazine

1970 Broad Street, East Petersburg, PA 17520

Phone: 717-560-4703

Fax: 717-560-4702

Our Mission:

To promote woodcarving as an

artform and an enjoyable pastime.


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Jon Deck

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Holiday 2013

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’Tis the Season

Christmas is, to me, a time for roadtrips. I grew up in a town

many hours’ drive from both sets of grandparents, so my

childhood holiday memories include long hours in the car

followed by happy reunions with seldom-seen relatives.

So, although it’s completely coincidental, in a way it

makes sense that this Holiday issue is stocked with projects

by people who visited us here at Fox Chapel Publishing. For

example, Andy DiPace, Jeff Pretz, and Mike Dieter are all

members of our local carving club, the Lancaster County

Woodcarvers (as is Don Dearolf, who designed our online

bonus Santa project). They each spent a morning carving in our photo

studio, while our photographer, Scott Kriner, snapped photos over their

shoulders and Bob Duncan took notes about their processes. Not only

is it an easy way to complete an article, but we like hanging out with the

carvers, watching them work, and getting to know them better.

Moses Kirimi, a carver and businessman from Kenya, landed in

our photo studio through another local connection. Ten Thousand

Villages, one of world’s largest fair trade organizations, helps

disadvantaged artisans in 38 countries by selling their work in North

America. The company’s headquarters happen to be here in Lancaster

County. When Moses and his wife, Esther, came to visit Ten Thousand

Villages awhile back, one of the company’s managers brought them to

visit us, as well. Moses brought a selection of axe-like adzes, which are

his carving tools of choice; a log to sit on and several more to carve;

and samples of both his original work and the reproductions that his

artisans produce for sale. We enjoyed hearing his amazing story and

watching the chips fly as he hacked a log with an adze. We share the

experience beginning on page 48.

The well-known caricature carver Floyd Rhadigan usually stops at

Fox on his way to or from teaching a class in the area. He stays for a

few days and carves several pieces for upcoming articles, telling stories

from the road and sharing news of the carving world like a long-ago

tinker or travelling salesman. The comical reindeer ornament on page

32 is the last piece from his most recent visit, so it’s time to schedule

another fun- and work-filled visit with Floyd.

Rick Jensen is another itinerant carver who stops at Fox from time

to time. He doesn’t have a project in this issue, but you’ll remember

his charming bark house from the Spring issue (#62). In September,

Rick not only spent two days in the studio carving and painting a

terrific project for a 2014 issue, but he also graciously—and somewhat

nervously—agreed to teach a carving class to the Fox staff. A dozen

beginners, most of whom had never held a carving knife, spent the day

with chunks of bark, loaner tools, and patient instruction from Rick,

and we each went home with something that looked like a little house.

It was a terrific learning experience, and we are very grateful to Rick for

sharing his time and talents with us.

These men may not be our relatives, but they and the other artists

featured in this issue are part of the Fox carving family. We look

forward to seeing them—and you!—again soon, whether in person

or in print. Happy holidays!

Mindy Kinsey


Rick Jensen gives carving details

to Fox Chapel CSR Gail Larkin.

Woodcarving Illustrated Issue 74 Winter/Spring 2016

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