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Male Figure
Boris Plotnikov
studies carving at
the Hans Kantor
studio in Israel.
This male figure
is carved from
eucalyptus and
is 11
" by 13
Wolf Handle
A carver for 20 years,
Tod Downey
works at the
National Zoo in Washington, D.C., where he builds
housing, furniture, and toys for the animals. When the
zoo added two Canadian wolves about a year ago, Tod
built their dens and a shed for the animal keepers. To
add a personal touch, he carved two wolf-shaped handles
for the doors. The handles are 4" by 12" and made from
scrap 4x4 wood.
Carved Cabinet Door
Connie Spicer
of Vero Beach, Fla., carves
reclaimed items that are destined for a landfill.
She uses a high-speed drill and carbide bits to
create detailed designs, such as the tree on this
maple cabinet door. The design was created by
an artist named Amy Edwards of Woolongong,
Australia, and used with permission. Connie
added the quote using white RubnBuff and
finished the door with butcher-block wax.
For more of Connie’s work, visit her website,
Flamenco Dancer
A carver for about six years,
Ian C. MacLachlan
Bedford, N.S., Canada, also
studies Spanish with a lady
who used to dance Flamenco.
As a Christmas gift for her,
Ian designed and carved this
dancer. He carved a stylized
face and hands so the focus of
the piece would be the pose,
motion, and dress.
Share your latest work! Send your high-resolution
digital photos or high-quality prints and a brief
project description to: Reader Gallery, Woodcarving
Illustrated, 1970 Broad St., East Petersburg, PA 17520,
or e-mail editors@woodcarvingillustrated.com.