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Claude Bernard’s Book: Lessons on Diabetes


In 1877, 21 lectures on diabetes given by Claude Bernard at the Collège de France appeared in the book Leçons sur le diabète et la glycogènese animale [8]. Over 381 pages, he describes countless animal experiments and concludes with a chapter in which he critically examines the explanations of the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus offered at the time by numerous authors. He warns in advance that the remaining ignorance must not simply be filled with assumptions in order to support the various theories of the pathogenesis. He always demanded proof of the hypotheses through experiments. Thanks to Claude Bernard’s work, all researchers agreed that too much glucose is produced by the liver in diabetes. However, the authors were still much divided on how this happens – Claude Bernard was also reluctant to provide a clear-cut explanation. He never treated patients, and in his Leçons sur le diabète there is no proposal of a treatment for diabetes. Nevertheless, Claude Bernard’s contribution to the understanding of metabolism was one of the most outstanding contributions to diabetes research in medical history.

Unveiling Diabetes - Historical Milestones in Diabetology

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