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1.4 Components Needed for a Robot
ОглавлениеElectricity, mechanical power and programming are the main things needed to successfully design a robot. First, when designing the robot, the planning and outlook of how it should be viewed after implementation are the main things to keep in mind [5]. Below are the requirements for designing a full-fledged robot:
1 1) Power SourceFor the power source the main thing which we use is batteries. The power taken from electricity will convert to the thermal energy stored in the batteries. All robots need a battery in order to work. The robot will work up to a certain number of hours when it is fully charged. The batteries, such as silicon batteries and acid batteries, are used because batteries, such as silver-cadmium batteries, are too expensive. While designing the required battery for a particular robot, initially we only have to think about the power consumption of the robot based on its working capacity. If the robot work capacity is less and if we give more power the electricity inside the robot may short circuit and total loss or damage to the robot may ensue. We also have to consider the weight of the robot while designing because if the robot is heavier it will consume more power when performing the user requests [6]. If the robot is heavier there are many disadvantages such as not cost-effective, difficult to manage the tasks, higher power consumption, inefficient, etc. Apart from electric power there are a few other alternatives which are beneficial, such asPneumatic powerSolar powerHydraulic powerFlywheel energy storageAnaerobic digestionNuclear power
2 2) ActuationIn human terminology, the actuator is like muscles for the robot. Here the overall thing depends on the momentum of the device. Most of the devices work in an electrical and mechanical manner. These robots help in controlling, managing and monitoring the works. After designing the particular robot for a particular manner in the customized way, many of the alterations were performed on the robot and many of the software updates and alterations were made either in terms of hardware or software or battery or capacity, etc., based on the load and capacity of the robot.
3 3) Electric MotorsA large number of robots use electrical and mechanical power for performing tasks. The robots use mechanical power as well as electrical power for performing tasks. The robots use DC motors and AC motors for industrial purposes for performing the heavy loaded type of tasks. There will be motors which perform the heavy loaded as well as light loaded tasks. Here, when performing the heavy loaded and light loaded tasks the capacity of battery as well as the usage of the battery varies from time to time.
4 4) Linear ActuatorsThere are various types of actuators which have faster speed as well as direction. Here, when the speed changes the direction also changes and vice versa. There are various types of robots which have more pneumatic and hydraulic actuators. There is an actuator called a “linear actuator” which has a motor as well as a lead screw. Another type of actuator which is powered by hand is the rack and pinion actuator commonly found in cars.
5 5) Series Elastic ActuatorThis part is designed in a flexible and elastic manner and works in a more robust manner in controlling things like energy efficiency, robust force control and shock absorption. The generated results, weakens the overall interaction with humans if the measurement is high.
6 6) Air MusclesAir muscles were also treated as pneumatic muscles or air muscles. These will extend up to the range of 40%. The air muscles are used to provide privacy in applications. This mechanism is used in the application of robots.
7 7) Muscle WireThis technique is also called shape memory alloy mechanism. For this method a procedure of exactly 5 percent electricity was needed for the development of the small type of mini robot applications.
8 8) Electroactive PolymersThese are the materials used because they consume more electricity. They are used in the muscles and hands when making the robot because using electroactive polymers activates the hands and legs shaking moments and also help in the waking, swimming, floating and running of the robots.
9 9) Piezo MotorsPiezo motors are widely used alternatives to DC motors. This working principle is also very different. It depends on the rotator motion. There are different operations such as one which uses a vibration mechanism and another which uses an oscillation mechanism of the elements. The main advantage of using a piezo mechanism is that it makes the motor more efficient.
10 10) NanotubesNanotubes are used in the robots during the design process in order to conduct experiments on how the electricity flows and the level of elasticity in the body of robot.
11 11) SensingThe main theme in developing sensing is that it helps to measure the environment and also says how to react based on the situations from moment to moment. The reaction of the robot to what action has happened is very important. The response of the robot changes as per the environment.
12 12) TouchHere, sensing mainly depends on the software we are using. Recently, for touch sensing the tactile sensors used vary widely. The sensor is a mechanism which has a rigid body and all the touch properties from top to bottom for the robot. The sensor was designed in such a way to have a rigid cone surface with all the objects. This mechanism helps in forming the grip of the robots in a very strong manner for the purpose of handling objects.
13 13) VisionThe computer vision of the robots is very important. The vision helps in the extraction of the images and if needed the data which is captured by the robot will be stored in the server for recollecting what tasks are done by the robot from the start to the end of the day, which can help the user for cross-checking purposes if needed [7]. The vision of the robot may take many forms; it takes images or it records video based upon the settings made by the user. The vision mechanism is based purely on the computer sensor and electromagnetic radiation and the light rays generated are visual light or infrared light.
14 14) ManipulationMinute manipulations are done on robots from time to time like replacing hands and legs for better moment; in other words, it is an endless effort.
15 15) Mechanical GrippersGrippers play a major role in designing the robot for some important things like vision, sensing and responding in a particular manner. Mechanical grippers help a robot catch any object with its hands using the grippers to catch things without dropping them. Like hands, grippers also play a major role in handling objects using friction [8]. There is another type of gripper known as a “vacuum gripper,” which is simple to add in a block to the robot. Vacuum grippers are very active in nature and are mainly used in windscreens.
These above components are needed for building an efficient robot.