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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Venn diagram of AI, ML and DL.Figure 2.2 Representation of an agent.Figure 2.3 Architecture of the Internet of Things.Figure 2.4 Basic robot architecture.Figure 2.5 Workings of an industrial robot.Figure 2.6 Workingsof a healthcare robot.Figure 2.7 Workings of agricultural robots.Figure 2.8 Types of machine learning algorithms.Figure 2.9 Applications of Robotics.
2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 The journey of weapons in warfare.Figure 3.2 “Warrior,” the first Chinese patient robot.Figure 3.3 Armed robots being developed for U.S. armed forces.Figure 3.4 Some advanced Russian military robots.Figure 3.5 Indian military robots.Figure 3.6 Autonomous drones in action.Figure 3.7 Autonomous tanks.Figure 3.8 Autonomous submarines and ships currently under development.Figure 3.9 Some examples of humanoid armed robots.Figure 3.10 Armed soldier exoskeletons.
3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Artificial intelligence market for healthcare applications in the wor...Figure 4.2 Robotics system.Figure 4.3 Robotics in healthcare.Figure 4.4 Some of the apps symbolic of the rise of mobile healthcare.Figure 4.5 Uses for AI-enabled IoT.Figure 4.6 Areas of healthcare being enhanced by AI and robotics.Figure 4.7 Uses for the IoMRT.Figure 4.8 Architecture of the IoMRT.
4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Steps in attaining the objective.Figure 5.2 Proposed system steps.Figure 5.3 Steps in extraction of information.Figure 5.4 Mapping user activities with movement of robots.Figure 5.5 Representation of subclass.Figure 5.6 Performance comparison chart.Figure 5.7 Comparison of proposed system with existing system.
5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Sensors that are used to collect patient’s health data.Figure 6.2 Flowchart of modules in the healthcare management system.
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Relationship of related AI definitions [3].Figure 7.2 Daksh remotely operated vehicles.Figure 7.3 Applications of Artificial Intelligence For Militaries.
7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Robotic process automation (RPA). [https://www.google.com/search?q=ro...Figure 8.2 Cycle of robotics process automation. Hand drawn.Figure 8.3 Artificial Intelligence and robotics process automation. [https://tow...Figure 8.4 Internet of robotic things – converging sensing/actuating, hypoconnec...
8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Robot movement based on human instructions.Figure 9.2 Sample NLP process.Figure 9.3 Steps in proposed system.Figure 9.4 Text transformation using NLP.Figure 9.5 Sentence separation sample text.Figure 9.6 Lemmatized sample text.Figure 9.7 Stop word recognition of sample text.Figure 9.8 Parsing dependencies in sample text.Figure 9.9 Recognition of noun phrases in sample text.Figure 9.10 Input data given to robots.Figure 9.11 LSTM processing information in instructions given to robots (Sentenc...Figure 9.12 States of LSTM.
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Surgical robot.Figure 10.2 Robotics exoskeletons.Figure 10.3 An example of robotic prosthetics.Figure 10.4 Examples of artificial organs.Figure 10.5 Outpatient pharmacy automation.Figure 10.6 Educational robots.Figure 10.7 The six As of evidence-based practice.
10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Thermopile radiation sensors.Figure 11.2 Optical fiber pyrometers.Figure 11.3 RGB sensor with IR filter.Figure 11.4 A 3D sensor.Figure 11.5 Thermal infrared images.Figure 11.6 YOLO BBox Annotation Tool user interface with annotated image.Figure 11.7 Image produced with the IN-DEPTH camera for fever detection.Figure 11.8 Power heater.Figure 11.9 Accuracy.Figure 11.10 Classification.Figure 11.11 RGB sensor proposed method.Figure 11.12 BB-2 temperature.
11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Classifications of the UAVs.Figure 12.2 An example of a fixed-wing drone.Figure 12.3 Example of a rotary-wing drone.Figure 12.4 Development of UAVs using the IoT.Figure 12.5 Framework of UVAs using 5G.Figure 12.6 Data links.Figure 12.7 Architecture of UAVs.Figure 12.8 Network formed between the wireless sensor network and the drone.Figure 12.9 Data upload process.Figure 12.10 Data download process.Figure 12.11 UAV traffic management.Figure 12.12 Traffic management using the UTM system.Figure 12.13 Situation awareness.Figure 12.14 Public safety.
12 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Trajectory path for the filed assessment.Figure 13.2 View of farm field through UAV camera.Figure 13.3 View of farm through UAV camera (zoom).Figure 13.4 View of farm through UAV camera (more zoom).Figure 13.5 View of farm through UAV camera (max zoom).Figure 13.6 OODA working on decision-making process.Figure 13.7 System architecture.Figure 13.8 UAV-hyper-spectral image.Figure 13.9 Combining UAV-multispectral and UAV-hyperspectral images.Figure 13.10 Bayesian graphs.Figure 13.11 Image showing the location of a fruit field in a surveyed farm.Figure 13.12 These are the thermal images which are used for FLIR systems used t...Figure 13.13 These are the thermal images which are used for FLIR systems used t...Figure 13.14 UAAVs/drones used for work in the agriculture sector.Figure 13.15 Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image and soil image ...
13 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Destination-sequenced distance vector routing protocol.Figure 14.2 Architecture of PANet.
14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Block diagram of ARM and Zigbee for vehicle-to-vehicle communication...Figure 15.2 V2V communication using Wi-Fi.Figure 15.3 V2V communication using Li-Fi in accordance with the First Scheme.Figure 15.4 Block diagram for V2V communication using Li-Fi in accordance with t...
15 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 The wheelchair project.Figure 16.2 Alexa Interfaced wheelchair block diagram.Figure 16.3 Health-monitoring system block diagram.Figure 16.4 (a) The health monitoring system circuit; (b) Health parameters obta...Figure 16.5 Driver circuit used in wheelchair implementing two BTS7960 driver ci...Figure 16.6 (a–c) Serial monitor plotter of the ultrasonic radar system prototyp...Figure 16.7 The PRM algorithm.Figure 16.8 (a,b) Results obtained upon implementation of Probabilistic Road Map...Figure 16.9 The RRT algorithm.Figure 16.10 RRT Algorithm illustration.Figure 16.11 (a,b) Results obtained with RRT algorithm.Figure 16.12 Planned trajectory based on waypoints obtained through implementing...Figure 16.13 Differential drive robot following the path.
16 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Block diagram depicting the data flow [5].Figure 17.2 Architecture of the proposed system [3].Figure 17.3 Flow chart of the proposed system [6].Figure 17.4 Identifying whether the inputted data is a student or an intruder [8...
17 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Process of visitor/intruder monitoring system.Figure 18.2 Block diagram of visitor/intruder monitoring system.Figure 18.3 Raspberry Pi.Figure 18.4 Zebronics Crystal Plus web camera.Figure 18.5 Mail sent to the given email ID.Figure 18.6 Final outcome with image and name (Known person).Figure 18.7 Final outcome with image as mentioned “unknown person” (Unknown intr...Figure 18.8 After adding a frequent visitor to the dataset,the result is “Indu h...
18 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Work flow.Figure 19.2 System architecture.Figure 19.3 Sample data frame.Figure 19.4 System architecture.Figure 19.5 Line of best fit.Figure 19.6 Feature importance.Figure 19.7 Pearson’s correlation coefficient.Figure 19.8 Results of Multiple Linear Regression comparing the true values and ...Figure 19.9 Results of Decision Tree Regression comparing the true values and th...Figure 19.10 Results of Random Forest Regression comparing the true values and t...Figure 19.11 Results of Support Vector Regression comparing the true values and ...Figure 19.12 Results of Extreme Gradient Boost comparing the true values and the...Figure 19.13 Scatter plot matrix used to visualize relationships.Figure 19.14 Heat map.Figure 19.15 Performance analysis.
19 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 (a) Host audio (Blues); (b) watermark image.Figure 20.2 Flow chart of the complete process of watermark embedding.Figure 20.3 Process of watermark extraction.Figure 20.4 Process of audio watermarking in MATLAB.Figure 20.5 (a) Watermark image before embedding; (b) watermark image after the ...Figure 20.6 Sample of watermark image extracted from the attacked—(a) noise, (b)...
20 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Transmitter block of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.2 Receiver block of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.3 Block diagram of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.4 Input signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.5 Parallel signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.6 Modulated signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.7 IFFT signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.8 Clipped signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.9 Scaled signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.10 DC-biased signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.11 VCSEL optical spectrum of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.12 CW Lorentzian laser optical spectrum of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.13 Fiber optical spectrum of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.14 Optical combiner spectrum of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.15 Demodulated signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.16 Parallel signal of DCO-OFDM.Figure 21.17 Received signal of DCO-OFDM.
21 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Cost range of syringe pumps provided by various dealers.Figure 22.2 Flowchart showing the steps involved in developing the syringe pump.Figure 22.3 (a) Material used and components made are provided for mechanical as...Figure 22.4 Block diagram of hardware implementation.Figure 22.5 Algorithm for fluid discharge from syringe.Figure 22.6 Top view of prototype.Figure 22.7 (a) Syringe holder and (b) Stepper motor.Figure 22.8 Comparison plot indicating maximum time taken by oil and water to co...Figure 22.9 Comparison plot indicating maximum deviation in time taken by oil an...Figure 22.10 Graph indicating the difference in time taken for complete discharg...Figure 22.11 Volume vs Time plot with respect to inner diameter of syringe.Figure 22.12 Volume (1000 μl) vs Time uncertainty (seconds).Figure 22.13 Volume (3000 μl) vs Time uncertainty (seconds).
22 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Outline of proposed emotion extraction from speech.Figure 23.2 MFCC process.Figure 23.3 Mel scale bank of filters.Figure 23.4 Algorithm for an HMM.
23 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Overview of the cloud.Figure 24.2 Threats in cloud computing.Figure 24.3 Overview of quantum cryptography.Figure 24.4 Quantum key generation using BB84.Figure 24.5 Generation of secret keys in existing method.Figure 24.6 Overview of authentication process.Figure 24.7 Storing the message after encryption in DynamoDB.Figure 24.8 Sending the secret key after authentication.Figure 24.9 Obtaining data after decryption from DynamoDB.Figure 24.10 Output after the message encryption.Figure 24.11 Overview of creation of the table on DynamoDB.Figure 24.12 Encrypted message stored on DynamoDB.Figure 24.13 Output of the message after decryption.