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List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 History of the earliest robots.
2 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Existing robots and their physical appearance and functionalities in v...Table 6.2 Robot functions that solve issues faced by the elderly.
3 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Taxonomy of historical AI definitions.
4 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Instruction and categorization of instruction accuracy for user input.Table 9.2 Instruction and categorization of instruction accuracy for gates.Table 9.3 Single instruction insertion precision.Table 9.4 One expression translation.
5 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Comparison of various technologies involved in V2V communication.
6 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Motor directions for wheelchair movements.
7 Chapter 19Table 9.1 Error obtained in each model.Table 9.2 Trained model performance.
8 Chapter 20Table 20.1 Evaluation of audio signals and the respective extricated watermark i...Table 20.2 Quality analysis of extracted watermark images under various attacks.
9 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Simulation parameters of DCO-OFDM.
10 Chapter 22Table 22.1 Dimensions of materials used in the fabrication of the mechanical ass...Table 22.2 Volume of the syringe discharged in 60 seconds.Table 22.3 Maximum deviation in time taken for discharge of oil and water.