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Miscellaneous biochemical constituents and other characteristics of amniotic fluid


Various nonenzymatic constituents and characteristics of AF are listed in Table 3.2. Elevated values of biochemical constituents in AF may be nonspecific, such as 5‐hydroxyindole‐3‐acetic acid in a fetus with Cornelia de Lange syndrome353 or acid‐soluble glycoproteins in AF in CF.261 Reduced amounts of 5‐hydroxyindole‐3‐acetic acid,271 and increased amino acids (especially methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine) have been observed in the AF of fetuses with NTDs.354 Two likely reasons are transudation across the defect and a nonspecific reflection of fetal distress with hypoxia. Certain other constituents of cell‐free AF, such as 17‐ketosteroids, are especially relevant to prenatal diagnosis.

Table 3.2 Biochemical constituents and other characteristics of amniotic fluid (see text for additional sources)

Biochemical constituent/characteristic Selected reference(s)
Acetylcholine receptor 197
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 198
Acid–base 199, 200
ADAM‐8 5, 201
Adrenomedullin 202
α1‐Antitrypsin 205
α‐Fetoprotein this chapter
α1‐Macroglobulin 206
Albumin 203
Alkaline phosphatase 189, 204
Amino acids 149, 207
Amylase 208
Androgens 209
Angiogenin 210
Anticardiolipin antibodies 211
Antithrombin 206
Antiviral effect 212
Apolipoprotein 213
Apolipoprotein A 214
Arginosuccinic acid 215
Arylsulfatase A 216
Atrial natriuretic factor 217
Bacteria 218
Bacterial growth, inhibitory effect 219, 220
Basement membrane protein 67
β‐Endorphin 221
β‐Hydroxybutyrate 222
β2‐Microglobulin 223
Bile pigments 183
Bilirubin 224
Blood group substances 225, 226
Blood urea nitrogen 227
Cadmium 228
Candida albicans 229
Calcium 230
Calgranulins 231
Carcinoembryonic antigen 232
Carnitine 233
Catecholamines 234
Chemokines 235
Ceruloplasmin 203
Cholesterol 89
Chorionic gonadotropin 209
Chorionic somatomammotropin 209
Citric acid 236
Citrulline 215
Clara cell protein 153
Complement 203
Copper 238
Cortisol 239
C‐reactive protein 237
Creatine phosphokinase 119
Creatinine 240
Cystatin C 241, 242
Cytokines 235, 243
Cytomegalovirus 244
Decidua‐associated protein 245
Defensins 246
7‐Dehydrocholesterol 247
C‐reactive protein 237
Disaccharidases 131
Electrolytes 248
Endothelin 238
Estrogens 209
Exosomes 239, 249
Factor IX 71
Fatty acids 250
Ferritin 251
Fibronectin 252, 253
Follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) 254
Fractalkine 255
Free fatty acids 103
Fucose 256
Fumarylacetoacetate 257
γ‐Glutamyl transferase 258
Globulin 68
Globulin, cold‐insoluble 259
Glucagon 260
Glucose 237
Glycoproteins 261
Glycosaminoglycans 69
Growth hormone 262
Growth‐inhibiting property 263
Heat shock protein 264, 265
Hemopexin 266
HLA‐G isoforms 267
Homocysteine 147
Human leukocyte antigen G 268
Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) 269
Hydrocarbons 89
2‐Hydroxybutyric acid 270
5‐Hydroxyindole‐3‐acetic acid 271
Hydroxyproline 272
Immunoglobulin 273, 274
Inhibin (utero) 274
Insulin 260, 276
Insulin‐like growth factor binding protein‐1 275
Intercellular adhesion molecule 277
Interferon 278
Interleukins 253, 279
Iodide 280, 281
Iron 230
Isoferritin 282
Isomylases 283
Isoprostanes 284
Kallikrein 285
Lactate dehydrogenase 286
Lactoferrin 287
Lead 288
Lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio 204
Lipids 89
Lipopolysaccharide‐binding protein 90
Luteinizing hormone (LH) 255
Lysosomal enzymes 131
Lysozyme 289
Macroglobulin 206
Macrophage colony‐stimulating factor 290
Magnesium 230
Manganese 230
Meconium 291
Metalloproteinase 292, 293
Metals 228
Methylcitrate 215
Methylmalonic acid 215
Micelles 294
Muramidase (see lysozyme)
Mycoplasma 295
Neuraminic acid 296
Neurotrophins 297
Neuron‐specific enolase 298
Neutrophil elastase 286
Nitric oxide 299, 300
Nucleic acids 301
Nucleosome 302
Nicotine 303
Oligosaccharides 304
Organic acids 305, 306
Osmolality 307
Orosomucoid 76
Oxalate 308
Oxygen tension 309
Oxytocin 310
Palmitic acid 204
PAPP‐A 311
Peptidase activity 188
Peroxidase 312
Phospholipids 313, 314
Phospholipase 315
Phytoestrogens 316
Placental growth factor 317
Plasminogen 318
Plasminogen activator 319
Polypeptides 320
Procoagulant 321
Procollagen propeptides 322
Progesterone 209
Prolactin 323
Prostaglandin 324
Protein 325
Protein‐bound iodine 326
Protein C and S 327
Proteoglycan 328
Psoriasin 329
Prothrombin 71
Pyridoxine oxalate 330
Pyruvate kinase 123
Renin 330
Rubella 331
Rubidium 288
Secretor typing 332
Selenium 228
Sialic acid 333
Sodium 334
Somatomedin 335
Spectrophotometry 336
Steroid hormones 209
Stromelysins 337
Succinylacetone 162
Surface‐active material 338
Surface tension 339
Tamm–Horsfall glycoprotein 68
Testosterone 340
Thromboplastin 321, 341
Thrombopoietin 342
Trace elements 343
Transferrin 51, 203
Triglyceride 89
3.3′,5′‐Triiodothyronine 344
Troponin G 345
Trypsin 185
Tumor necrosis factor 346
Tyrosine kinase 347
Ureaplasma urealyticum 295
Uric acid 348
Urinary trypsin inhibitor 349
Vitamin A 350
Vitamin B12 351
Vitamin D 352
Viral antibodies 273
Viruses 273
Volume of AF 27, 28
Zinc 228, 230

For enzymes, see Chapters 21, 23, 24, and 25.

The insulin concentration increases in the AF of healthy, pregnant women,276 with a biphasic course between 16 and 42 weeks and a zenith at the 30th week.354 In women receiving glucocorticoids or betamimetics, or in fetuses with high glucose levels, the insulin levels may show a twofold increase, whereas very low levels are found in placental insufficiency and other conditions leading to fetal distress.

Thirteen major polypeptides, of which five had not been identified previously, were revealed by two different techniques. Their molecular weights ranged from 11 to 220 kDa. Prado et al.320 suggest that those polypeptides might serve as useful references in molecular studies of fetal pathology. Maternal serum relaxin during pregnancy maintains the myometrial quiescence and facilitates uterine stroma remodeling during uterine growth. In AF, this protein355 rises from 58 ng/L at 10 weeks to 142 ng/L at 14 weeks and declines to 55 ng/L at 22 weeks. Relaxin may be derived from the decidualized endometrium rather than the maternal circulation, from placental transfer or fetal synthesis of this peptide.

Genetic Disorders and the Fetus

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