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Energy technologies have attracted great attention due to the fast development of sustainable energy. Biodiesel technologies have been identified as the sustainable route through which overdependence on fossil fuels can be reduced. Biodiesel has played a key role in handling the growing challenge of a global climate change policy. Biodiesel is defined as the monoalkyl esters of vegetable oils or animal fats. Biodiesel is a cost-effective, renewable, and sustainable fuel that can be made from vegetable oils and animal fats. Compared to petroleum-based diesel, biodiesel would offer a non-toxicity, biodegradability, improved air quality and positive impact on the environment, energy security, safe-to-handle, store and transport, and so on. Biodiesels have been used as a replacement of petroleum diesel in transport vehicles, heavy-duty trucks, locomotives, heat oils, hydrogen production, electricity generators, agriculture, mining, construction, and forestry equipment.
This book describes a comprehensive overview, covering a broad range of topics on biodiesel technologies and allied applications. Chapters cover history, properties, resources, fabrication methods, parameters, formulations, reactors, catalysis, transformations, analysis, in situ spectroscopies, key issues and applications of biodiesel technology. It also includes bio-diesel methods, extraction strategies, biowaste utilization, oleochemical resources, non-edible feedstocks, heterogeneous catalysts, patents, and case-studies. Progress, challenges, future directions, and state-of-the-art biodiesel commercial technologies are discussed in detail. This book is an invaluable resource guide for professionals, faculty, students, chemical engineers, biotechnologists, and environmentalists in these research and development areas. This book includes the eighteen chapters and the summaries are given as follows.
Chapter 1 details the biocatalytic production of biodiesel. Microbial enzymes such as lipases act as biocatalysts in the transesterification process of biodiesel production. Suitable and cost-effective feedstocks or substrates for biodiesel production including their percentage yields are discussed. Factors that affect the enzymatic transesterification reaction are also explained.
Chapter 2 addresses ultrasonic energy which can increase the interface area while creating a thermal effect in heterogeneous biodiesel production process to result in higher biodiesel yield. Fundamental understanding of the improved reactant-catalyst interaction, the nature of the thermal effect, favorable process behaviors, reaction kinetic, as well as the effect on bio-diesel quality is particularly addressed.
Chapter 3 is about the study of different types of catalysts used for biodiesel production. The classification of catalysts, advantages, and limitations, along with their mechanism, is explained. The heterogeneous catalysts’ synthetic methods and immobilization of biocatalyst are also discussed in detail.
Chapter 4 discusses various methods used to produce value-added chemicals from biodiesel-derived glycerol. The main focus being is given to hydrogenolysis as a transformative process to selectively produce 1,2-propanediol and the advancements in biodiesel technologies. Furthermore, knowledge gaps are highlighted based on extensive literature research on the subject.
Chapter 5 discusses various techniques of synthesizing biodiesel and review of various existing analytical technologies for characterization of biodiesel. The chapter focuses on the current status of biodiesel in India, i.e., using non-edible sources and future feasibility of developing new methods of characterization to reduce the cost of biodiesel production.
Chapter 6 examines various established technologies available for the production of biodiesel, viz., chemical reaction, direct combustion, thermochemical conversion, and biomechanical conversion. Each technology is apportioned to a certain type of feedstock. Case studies, current status, and future potential of commercialization of biodiesel production in Africa are also discussed.
There is a huge demand for sustainable biofuel production in coming decades. The key challenges for biodiesel production are high FFA with the desired level of yield, stability, optimized and flexible production, commercialization of feedstock and environmentally friendly cycle. The collective effort and commitment of research survey regard feedstocks and commercialization of technology around the globe towards sustainable energy are expressed in terms of accelerating the biofuel economy in Chapter 7.
Chapter 8 provides an overview of the available feedstocks, production methods, and the benefits and constraints of using homogeneous, heterogeneous, and enzymatic catalysts for biodiesel. Some latest intensification techniques to manage mass transfer restrictions of oil and alcohol phases along with some production cost reduction measures are also highlighted.
Chapter 9 discusses different types of feedstocks used for synthesizing biodiesel and feedstock selection criteria. Moreover, all biodiesel production methods (i.e., dilution with hydrocarbons blending, micro-emulsion, pyrolysis, and transesterification) are also described in detail with their advantages and disadvantages. The major focus is given to the various transesterification methods. Production methods also include experimental setup layouts, all process parameters, reaction conditions, the latest advancement in reaction processes, and their effects on biodiesel yield.
Chapter 10 reviews the potential use of non-edible feedstocks in the production of biodiesel. Special attention is given to the types of feedstocks available and their production pathways to biodiesel. The state-of-the-art technology, the properties of the fuel produced, and the environmental concerns of biofuels are also discussed.
Chapter 11 discusses the various types of oleochemicals and their usage. Optimization and production of biodiesel derived from oleochemicals and their properties are also discussed. The primary focus is given for the advantage of oleochemicals to be used as a potential feedstock for biodiesel production from the available literature.
Chapter 12 provides details about the different configurations of reactors used in biodiesel production. There are two types, namely, batch and continuous reactors. Recently, other improved configurations like micro-reactors have emerged. This chapter also discusses the merits and demerits of these reactors.
Chapter 13 highlights and discusses the international patents on bio-diesel applications. This chapter reviews the recent patents on the generation of biodiesel which depends on the feedstock used, catalysts development, the latest method for biodiesel production, and reactor technology for the biodiesel production.
Chapter 14 overviews different reactions between a carboxylic acid (fatty acids) and alcohol (methanol and ethanol) over heterogeneous catalysts, an important step in biodiesel production. The nature of solid materials, like zeolites, heteropolyacids, materials with sulfonic groups, inorganic mixed oxides, and clays towards biodiesel production is discussed.
Chapter 15 sheds light on inedible feedstock that could be utilized for biodiesel production. Plant-based and non-plant feedstock are discussed. The waste lipid sources which are unfit for consumption are also highlighted. The chemical composition, economic viability, and sustainability of some of these feedstocks are equally explored.
Chapter 16 provides detailed information on the fabrication of biodiesel from microalgae. Specific information on the physical properties, amount of biodiesel production, and level of transesterification of biodiesel are discussed. The application of photobioreactors for the production of biodiesel with the special consideration of several factors such as flow rate, temperature, light intensity, CO2 concentration, and time is highlighted. Several techniques for the extraction of biodiesel such as supercritical CO2, physicochemical, direct transesterification, chemical solvents, and biochemical respectively are highlighted.
Chapter 17 discusses the biofuel classification in terms of origin and technological conversion of raw materials. Techniques capable of producing biodiesel on commercial scales are also presented. Furthermore, influential parameters and their roles in biodiesel production are elaborately covered. Finally, challenges and limitations confronting biodiesel uptake are presented.
Chapter 18 mainly explicates the application of nanoparticle catalysis for the high production of biodiesel. In particular, various types of catalyst nanoparticles with different synthesis strategy and their roles in enhancing the biodiesel production are discussed.
Inamuddin, Mohd Imran Ahamed, Rajender Boddulaand Mashallah Rezakazemi