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I.1. References


Bagozzi, R.P. and Dholakia, U.M. (2002). Intentional social action in virtual communities. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 16(2), 2–21.

Casabianca, F., Sylvander, B., Noël, Y., Béranger, C., Coulon, J.B., Giraud, G., Vincent, E. (2006). Terroir et typicité : propositions de définitions pour deux notions essentielles à l’appréhension des Indications Géographiques et du développement durable. Actes du VIème Congrès International des Terroirs Viticoles, 3–7.

Fischler, C. (1990). L’Homnivore. Odile Jacob, Paris.

Rozin, P. (1994). La magie sympathique. In Manger magique : aliments sorciers, croyances comestibles, Fischler, C. (ed.). Editions Autrement, Paris.

Strathman, A., Gleicher, F., Boninger, D.S., Edwards, C.S. (1994). The consideration of future consequences: Weighing immediate and distant outcomes of behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66(4), 742–775.

1. See Baromètre santé nutrition, available at: http://www.ireps-picardie.fr/News/News_Cres_OR2S/Newsletters2010/17newsavril2010/Barometre_nutrition.pdf.

2. A French acronym designating the Association for the Preservation of Local Farming. It usually involves a partnership between a group of consumers and a local farmer.

3. “Terroir” is a French term that derives from the Latin terra, meaning earth, land or soil. In this book, we use this term as there is no direct English translation. A terroir refers to “a delimited geographical area defined by a human community that has built up, over the course of its history, a set of distinctive cultural traits, knowledge and practices, based on a system of interactions between the natural environment and human factors. The know-how brought into play reveals an originality, confers a typicality and allows recognition for the products or services originating from this space and therefore for the people who live there” (Casabianca et al. 2006)”. See Chapter 6 for further details on this term and its usage.

Evolution of Social Ties around New Food Practices

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