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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Diagram of the conceptual framework from Shove et al. (2012), as pre...Figure 1.2. Example of a projective collage (Paola). For a color version of this...Figure 1.3. Summary of the components involved in the implementation of eating t...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. A search for advice in a weight loss support Facebook group3Figure 2.2. A “summary” related to weight loss in a weight loss support Facebook...Figure 2.3. A diet-related “summary” in a weight loss support Facebook group. Fo...Figure 2.4. Seeking informational support in a weight loss support Facebook grou...Figure 2.5. Another example of seeking informational support in a weight loss su...Figure 2.6. Another example of seeking informational support in a weight loss su...Figure 2.7. The provision of spontaneous informational support in a weight loss ...Figure 2.8. The provision of spontaneous sport-related informational support in ...Figure 2.9. Seeking and providing emotional support in a weight loss support Fac...Figure 2.10. Seeking emotional support in a weight loss support Facebook group: ...Figure 2.11. Seeking both informational and emotional support in a weight loss s...Figure 2.12. Sharing a rough recipe in a weight loss support Facebook groupFigure 2.13. Sharing a specific recipe in a weight loss support Facebook group. ...Figure 2.14. A request for a yogurt recipe in a weight loss support Facebook gro...Figure 2.15. An example of normative influence in a weight loss support Facebook...Figure 2.16. An example of informational influence in a weight loss support Face...Figure 2.17. A publication that triggers a request for informationFigure 2.18. A member’s thank you for the support received on the group. For a c...

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Vegetarians as a function of normative dissonance

4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Simplified representation of the meat industry and halal actors. For...Figure 5.2. Eating together, standardization and differentiation trends in the h...

Evolution of Social Ties around New Food Practices

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