Читать книгу Plastics and the Ocean - Группа авторов - Страница 53 Transport of Plastic Additives to/From Marine Sediment


Marine sediments are thought of as the final sink compartment for plastic additives and often have the highest concentrations among all compartments. Sources of plastic additives to sediment include leaching from sunken plastic debris into the sediment, partitioning from overlying water or pore water, and settlement of sinking organic material (Figure 2.2). Resuspension of sediment constituents into the water column from bioturbation or currents can transport additives back to the water column (Gallo et al. 2018). Additives with low polarity and high K oc values likely accumulate in sediment. K oc values are commonly correlated with hydrophobicity or lipophilic properties, measured by K ow.

Plastics and the Ocean

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