Читать книгу Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff - Группа авторов - Страница 196 Services Supporting Pet Ownership


Because no animal sheltering organization exists in a vacuum, knowing which services already exist will help avoid unnecessary duplication and more effectively deploy limited resources. An inventory of services that support pet ownership can include both animal‐oriented and people‐oriented programs. Based on the information gleaned from a services inventory, an organization might decide that partnering with or supporting another organization on a new program may be the most efficient use of resources. Just as importantly, organizations need to know how the community uses existing services and what impact those services have. For example, self‐administered animal food banks typically require minimal resources to implement and manage, but if a community already has well‐used and impactful pet food banks offered by other organizations, even this minimal resource investment might not be needed.

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

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