Читать книгу The Sirtfood Weight Loss Formula: Healthy And Effective Weight Loss With Sirtuin For More Vitality (Inclusive Delicious And Easy Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner) - HEALTHY FOOD LOUNGE - Страница 4


What are sirtuins?

As already mentioned, these are enzymes or even proteins that are contained in some foods. In the form of an enzyme, it is a substance produced naturally in the body - which means that you as a human being also naturally carry seven different sirtuins within you. This is one of the reasons for its high effectiveness - the body works best with substances it already knows. They were discovered by the Australian biologist David Sinclair when he examined yeast fungi. He found out that the sirtuins contained in them ensured the survival of the fungus when food was scarce. Gradually, sirtuins were also found in various foods and in the human body. Sirtuins are activated whenever an organism has to survive longer than usual without food or other energy substances. So far it was known that the organism changes into a kind of survival mode. This means that the activities of the organs are reduced as much as possible to save energy. The new finding is that this time is used to make repairs. You can imagine this as if you were riding a motorcycle, which you do not ride in winter. This time is used to change wheels and oil - the body does the same. It repairs damage to DNA and cells so that you end up with a healthier fast than when you started it. These repair tasks are performed by the sirtuins. But I can reassure you - scientists have found out that the enzymes can be activated even without starving.

At the same time, sirtuins are able to change the so-called histones, i.e. simply put the DNA coating. Without Sirtuins neither cell development nor the further training of your organism would be regulated. At the same time, it reduces stress and, in the best case, can help you to prolong your life. Sirtuins can influence various metabolic processes through their activity. For example, they can modify proteins and thus have an anti-inflammatory and disease-relieving effect. It has already been proven that they play a major role in diseases such as cancer, obesity, diabetes or Alzheimer's disease.

Functionality in the human body

To be able to use sirtuins in the body, so-called activators help you. These can be found in certain, mainly vegetable foods. Within the plants they serve as protective factors for their natural enemies, i.e. UV radiation or extreme cold. Tomatoes, for example, protect themselves from excessive heat with the substance lycopene. If you eat a tomato, you absorb lycopene accordingly. In the human organism, however, these substances cause slight stress - as a result, defense mechanisms are activated which stimulate the metabolism and reduce the stress again. Sirtuins have a particularly positive effect on insulin metabolism. This promotes weight loss and simultaneously reduces chronic inflammatory processes and the metabolic syndrome. The latter is the biggest risk factor for heart disease. By reducing inflammatory processes, the aging process is slowed down and cancer is prevented.

If you are hungry and eat a sirtuin-rich diet, it will promote fat burning and cell repair. The body's own fatty tissue is divided into white and brown - the white fatty tissue stores energy, while the brown one supports, for example, heat regulation. Sirtuins melt the white cushions and help the brown ones do their job.

With many diets, you quickly run the risk of suffering from malnutrition and of consuming too few calories. Even if you want to lose weight, you still need energy to cope with your everyday life. Here the Sirtfood diet provides you with a significant advantage. They ensure that muscles are maintained. So you do not become weaker, only slimmer. Nevertheless, you should be careful not to be too good with sirtuins. From 250 milligrams per day, these proteins also have a harmful effect on the body.

The Sirtfood Weight Loss Formula: Healthy And Effective Weight Loss With Sirtuin For More Vitality (Inclusive Delicious And Easy Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)

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