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2.1 Present yourself well


The primary purpose of the CV is to provide the recruiter with information about you and an indication of how you meet the criteria that the recruiter is looking for. The CV is the door opener – it can make or break your chance of getting on the shortlist for interview, so great care should be taken to present yourself well.

The kind of things that really annoy recruiters are:

 Poor photocopies.

 Spelling mistakes.

 Crumpled or stained CVs.

 No accompanying letter.

 A letter which is clearly a template and not even signed.

 No effort made to show how you meet the job description.

I could go on but I think you get the picture. What does all this conjure up in your mind – someone who just doesn’t take the care or attention that they need to and that’s the best way to get filed in the wastepaper bin.

Have a look at the CV you have now, show it to some of your friends and colleagues and get some feedback. Have a look at what other people do and then see your own reactions to their CVs – what did you like, what did you hate?

It is time well spent putting together a professional CV targeted at the job that you are applying for. Don’t just have the one CV that you photocopy and send to every job you apply for – this is what I would call a ‘scattergun’ approach, and you are just hoping that one of them will land on the right desk at the right time for the right job. You are really hoping that the recruiter will do your job for you and find the information they are looking for.

Sometimes you may be one of 50 or more CVs landing on a recruiter’s desk. How much time do you think they will spend looking through a CV? It can be as little as 30 seconds. You only have one chance to make a good impression, so start as you mean to go on, with an easy-to-read, well structured and targeted CV.

If you know that you aren’t very good at writing a CV and you really want to make a good impression, then invest in getting several versions of your CV written by a professional. If this is the key to the shortlist, then it’s worth spending some money.

Make sure your CV stands out for the right reasons and not the wrong ones.


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