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Overcome your fear of interviews


After 25 years working in recruitment, training and development, I’ve seen how people dread interviews, many to the point where they start to suffer symptoms of stress at the very thought. Believe me, it doesn’t have to be like this.

If the very thought of an interview strikes fear into you to the point of mental blankness, or whether you just want to perfect your techniques and understanding of what interviewers are looking for then this is the book for you.

I have trained many people on a group and one-to-one basis on how to handle interview planning and performance. The key is in the preparation. You can choose to treat the book as a training course and work through each section and prepare at the same time, or you may want to flick through it and then come back when you need to. Either way, I am sure you will find what you are looking for.

People go from being terrified and inaudible to being confident and persuasive. I have no doubt that if you follow the 50 secrets in this book, you will be able to do the same. The secrets are spread over seven themed chapters:

 Applying for the job. Have a clear idea of what you are looking for in a job and what’s important to you.

 Writing your CV. The key to finding yourself on the shortlist for the job is all in the writing of your CV, so let’s have a look at what makes a good one.

 Preparing for the interview. Now that you’re on the shortlist there are things that you can do to prepare for the big day and help you improve your presentation and your confidence.

 Types of interview. There are many types of interviews. We will take a look at the whole range, from unstructured to very structured, so that you are ready for everything.

 Assessment Centres. Many businesses now use whole-day – or sometimes longer – Assessment Centres to choose the right people. Assessment Centres involve a whole range of activities, so if you are invited to one this will help you prepare.

 The day of the interview. Let’s look at how to remain confident and calm, and deliver your very best performance.

 After the interview. Well the interview is over but what did you learn about yourself? This is an excellent opportunity to review your performance, get feedback and plan for the future.

If you currently lack confidence (or even if you are over-confident), if you use this book as a workbook and do the exercises all the way through then you will be well on your way to getting the job of your dreams.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. This applies just as much to job interviews as to the world of work.


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