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1.2 Choose the right sector


Having looked at your values and beliefs in the last section you may have come to the conclusion that certain sectors of the job market place are ruled out for you, or you have some big question marks hanging over areas you don’t know about. Which companies do you really admire? What is it that you really like?

Let’s take a look at some of the areas you may want to consider and then you can do some more research if you want to know more.

 Large businesses. If we take the UK as an example, large business accounts for about 0.2% of businesses in the UK and yet employs somewhere around 52% of all employees according to a survey by HMRC in 2006. Larger businesses may be multinational and give opportunities to move abroad. If you have language capabilities or a desire to work in another country this may be a good opportunity.

one minute wonder Finding the right type of business for you to work in is critical to your long term success. Make a list of companies you admire and then try to work out what it is that you really like about them.

 Small and medium-sized businesses (SME). In the UK, statistics showed in 2009 that 0.6% of businesses employed between 50-249 people and that 99.3% employed up to 5 people. So the SME business in the UK is very large. What about the country you are in? With access to the Internet you should be able to find out more of your country’s statistics.

 Charities/not for profit organizations. There are a large number of well-known charities that work all over the world, as well as the local charities which run totally on volunteers. The numbers of jobs will be fewer as the reliance has to be on volunteers, but these are businesses like any other. The key difference is that you may want to work in an area that you can help to make a difference to others’ lives and this may fit with your personal values.

 The public sector. Local government and jobs that are government funded may appeal to some more than others. You may see this as a more secure post, or want to make a contribution to your own neighbourhood or the country you live in.

Each of us has a different vision of the perfect job. Make a list of the type of businesses you want to work in.


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