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1.1 Pick the right job


It is easy to get carried away by a job title and a good salary, but at the end of the day what is really important to you about the job? You will be spending a large percentage of your day working in the job, so taking some time out at the beginning will help you focus on what you really want.

Let’s take a look at some of the areas that you may want to consider before you decide whether you really want to apply for any job.

 A two-way process. As human beings we are driven by our internal beliefs, values and goals although we are not often consciously aware of them. Finding the right job is a two-way process – the company will be looking to see if you are right for them; you need to see if they are right for you. Make sure that you have your list of what’s important to you clear in your mind before you apply.

 What are your values and beliefs? Make a list of what the important factors to you are in any job and how the job fits with the other parts of your life – time for hobbies, family etc. Do this by asking yourself the question “what’s important to me in a job” and ask this at least seven times and write down your answers. You’ll be surprised when you get to the seventh time what’s really important to you.

one minute wonder Don’t waste your time and effort applying for jobs and going for interviews if they don’t meet your own personal values, beliefs or goals. If you accept a job for the wrong reasons you will soon become unsettled and have to start the search all over again.

 Do you want a job or a career? Some readers may only be interested in just having a job, whilst others may be at the start of a career. There is nothing wrong with either, but just know which is right for you. If this is part of a career plan then make sure that the jobs you apply for fit in with your longer term plans and help you to get to your eventual goal. Don’t get side-tracked. If it’s “just a job” then go back to asking yourself what’s really important to you. We spend a long time at work so you want to get the best fit that will make you happy.

 Make up your own ‘decision matrix’. Write a list of what’s important to you down the left hand side of a piece of paper, with everything that you are looking for, including salary and benefits that you want. Then across the top you can put columns for each of the jobs that you are applying for. Do your homework and see how many ticks you can put in the box. This is known as a ‘decision matrix’. Later on if you have to make a decision between one or more job offers this may prove very useful. In putting this together you now have a start point.

Whether you just want a job or you’re thinking about a career, taking time out to really think through what you want helps focus you in your search.


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