Читать книгу You CAN Stop Stupid - Ira Winkler - Страница 17

I Stopping Stupid Is Your Job


While professionals bemoan how users make their job difficult, the problem is that this difficulty should be considered part of the job. No matter how well-meaning or intelligent a user may be, they will inevitably make mistakes. Alternatively, the users might have malicious intent and intend to commit acts that cause loss. Considering the act “stupid” assists a malicious party in getting away with their intent.

Fundamentally, you don't care about an individual action by a user; you care that the action may result in damage. This is where professionals need to focus. Yes, you want to have awareness so users are less likely to initiate damage. However, you have to assume that users will inevitably make a potentially harmful action, and your job is to mitigate that action in a cost-effective way.

Part I lays the groundwork for being able to address the potential damage that users can initiate. The big problem that we perceive regarding the whole concept of securing the user—as some people refer to it, creating the human firewall—is that people think that the solution to stopping losses related to users is awareness. To stop the problem, you have to understand that awareness is just one tactic among many, and the underlying solution is that you need a comprehensive strategy to prevent users from needing to be aware, to create a culture where people behave appropriately through awareness or other methods, and to detect and mitigate loss before it gets out of hand.

Any individual tactic will be ineffective at stopping the problem of user-initiated loss (UIL). As you read the chapters in Part I, you should come away with the holistic nature of the problem and begin to perceive the holistic solutions required to address the problem.

You CAN Stop Stupid

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