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Although this might seem to have no direct relationship to the users, how your organization specifies work processes is one of the biggest causes of UIL. Every decision you make about your work processes determines the extent to which you are giving the user the opportunity to initiate loss.

Clearly, the user has to perform a business function. If you can theoretically remove people from processes, you can reduce all UIL associated with those processes. For example, in fast-food restaurants, cashiers have the ability to initiate loss in multiple categories. A cashier can record the order incorrectly. This causes food waste and poor customer satisfaction, which can reduce profit and impede future sales. A cashier can also make mistakes in the handling of cash. They might miscount change, steal money, or be tricked by con artists. These are just a few of the problems. Restaurant chains understand this and implement controls within the process to reduce these losses. McDonald's, however, is going even further to control the process by implementing kiosks where customers place their orders directly into a computer system. This removes all potential loss associated directly with the cashiers.

Obviously, there are a variety of potential losses that are created by removing a human cashier from the process (such as loss of business from customers who find interacting with a kiosk too complicated), but those are ideally accounted for within the revised process. The point is that the process itself can put the user in the position to create UIL, or it can remove the opportunity for the user to initiate loss.

A process can be overly complicated and put well-intentioned users in a position where it is inevitable that they will make mistakes. For example, when you have users implement repetitive tasks in a rapid manner, errors generally happen. Such is the case with social media content reviewers. Facebook, for example, through outside contractors, pays content moderators low wages and has them review up to 1,000 reported posts a day. (See “Underpaid and Overburdened: The Life of a Facebook Monitor,” The Guardian, www.theguardian.com/news/2017/may/25/facebook-moderator-underpaid-overburdened-extreme-content.) This can mean that legitimate content is deleted, while harmful content remains. The situation is ripe for UIL and also for causing significant harm to the content moderators, who have stress both from the working conditions and from reviewing some of the most troubling content on the Internet.

A process may also be poorly defined and give users access to more functionality and information than they require to perform their jobs. For example, companies used to attach credit card numbers to an entire sales record, and the credit card numbers were available to anyone in the entire fulfillment process, which included people in warehouses. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires that only people who need access to the credit card numbers can actually access the information. Removing access to the information from all but those with a specific requirement to access it reduces the potential for those people to initiate a loss, maliciously or accidentally.

Processes can also lack checks and balances that ensure that when a loss is initiated, it is mitigated. For example, well-designed financial processes regularly have audits to ensure transactions are validated. A financial process that does not have sufficient audits is ripe for abuse by insiders and crime from outsiders. For example, we worked with a nonprofit organization and found that they paid thousands of dollars to criminals who sent the organization invoices that looked real. However, when we asked what the invoices were specifically for, it turns out that nobody knew. They modified the process to ensure that future invoices required internal approval by a stakeholder familiar with the charges. Clearly, establishing proper checks and balances is equally important for anyone who has access to data and information services as well.

All processes need to be examined to ensure that users are provided with minimum ability to create loss. Additionally, all organizations should have a process in place to prevent, detect, and mitigate the loss should a user initiate it.

You CAN Stop Stupid

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