Читать книгу FUN Can Be Murder - Jacqueline Fleming - Страница 3

Chapter 1


She emerges from the warm turquoise waters of the Persian Gulf, which is referred to as the Arabian Gulf where she is. The water rolls from her tanned and toned body as she reaches up to squeeze the excess water from her long, brownish blond hair. As she does this, she pretends not to notice the tall, muscular man who appears to have stopped to stare at her exiting the water. There is something so familiar about him that I cannot quite place, she thinks to herself. Nonchalantly she manages a casual, “hello” as she walks past him to the chaise lounge that her towel is on. She continues with her usual routine by patting her face dry, applying sunscreen, donning her large black Tiffany sunglasses, and a big floppy Chanel hat. She takes a seat on the chaise, lying back trying to act oblivious to his presence, trying to ignore the little butterflies doing somersaults in her stomach…willing herself to keep her eyes closed, trying not to sneak a peek at him, while hoping, wishing, and saying a silent prayer that he comes over to her.

Her breath catches as she feels his body approach blocking the sun from her. “Hi,” he says easily, “My name is Keiran” with his hand outstretched. He has short dark brown hair, brown eyes swimming with loneliness, and a beautiful, genuine, easy smile.

Her heartbeat quickens, her mind races (Keiran?? Oh my God that’s it! Keiran Reece! He’s an actor, a world away in California, or should be. Why would someone like him be interested in me?? Relax, she scolds herself, he just said hi…), and trying to stay cool and calm, she reaches out her hand and replies, “Hello, my name is Kathryn it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Instead of the handshake he bends over, bringing her hand to his mouth, kissing it ever so lightly asking, “May I join you?”

Alarms are going off in her head and she can hear her heart slamming against her chest with each heartbeat, she thinks to herself (Join me? Join me? What do I do? I haven’t been with a man for nearly thirteen years… since…) somehow, she manages a very composed, “yes, please do” as he sits down on the empty chaise nearest hers.

All of the noise; the waves lapping at the beach, the throngs of children laughing and screaming nearby even the sight of the camel riders that usually brought Kathryn a great deal of pleasure in watching went unnoticed for Kathryn felt alone in the world with the most handsome man.

“Are you here on vacation?” he asks stirring her from her thoughts.

“No not at all, I live here. Are you on vacation?”

He so much wanted to say that he lives here now, but didn’t. Wanting to live here now, now that he had met her…and actually just vacationing are totally different. He can’t understand these feelings stirring inside him and he is trying his best to push them aside replying, “Vacationing.”

“What brings you to the wonderful city of Dubai, have you been here before?”

“Yes, I’ve been here before, several times. I enjoy the winter weather and the anonymity that I find here. You are obviously a westerner such as myself, when did you move here?”

“I’ve been here eight months, and absolutely love it” she says as she reaches into her cooler, “would you like a drink, ice water with or without lime?”

He cocks an eyebrow, “Ice water on the beach, with a slice of lime no less? Please, with lime.”

“It’s refreshing and I enjoy it.” She shrugs handing him a plastic glass.

“You moved here eight months ago, where did you move here from?”

“Massachusetts. Are you vacationing with friends or family?”


And so it continues - their conversational dance, both of them trying to glean information from the other, without delving too deep, in fear of off-putting the other. Her alarm on her phone sounds and as she dons her white tee-shirt dress, throwing a gold belt around her hips, and sliding her feet into flat gold sandals she is saying, “I’m sorry, it’s time for me to leave as I have a four o’clock appointment. I have truly enjoyed our chat…” He barely hears what she is saying, he is fighting the feelings of panic that he is experiencing, desperately not wanting her to leave but seemingly helpless to prevent it. He rises to his feet and manages to utter, “I’ve truly enjoyed meeting you.”

She gathers her belongings and responds; “It’s been a pleasure” she turns to walk away and calls over her shoulder, “Enjoy the rest of your day!” with a wave and a smile. She heads into her building extremely conscious of his eyes following her all the way. Smiling to herself she continues to bask in the image of him sitting on the chaise facing her, with his arms on his knees, so casual and self-assured she thought. Those Diesel swim trunks seemed to be tailor-made for his physique and he had a scruffy five o’clock shadow-type of beard growth. He’s attractive in his movies, but in person he is absolutely gorgeous and seemingly irresistible.

As Kathryn disappears into the building Keiran continues to stand by the chaise as if frozen in time. Realizing he needs to do something or he may never see her again he takes off in a sprint trying to catch up to her. Running into the building, glancing around him he doesn’t see her, running from one end of the lobby to the other to no avail. Shit! He thinks to himself as he reaches up and runs his hand through his hair. He then notices the concierge desk and rushes over, “There’s a woman that lives in this building, she just came in a few minutes ago from the beach, her name is Kathryn, can you tell me which apartment is hers?” he pleads breathlessly.

“No sir, I’m sorry, I cannot give out our resident’s information.”

“Of course not, I understand, would you ring her for me?”

“What is her last name?”

“Damn it, I don’t know, I honestly don’t recall exchanging last names but surely you saw her walk by” he pleads, “she’s tall and beautiful, wearing white, we just spent a few minutes on the beach. Did you see her?” he asks urgently.

“I’m sorry, without a last name I cannot possibly begin to know for sure.”

“Thanks, thanks for nothing.” Keiran says coldly feeling defeated, he slowly walks away chastising himself, think Keiran think!

FUN Can Be Murder

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