Читать книгу FUN Can Be Murder - Jacqueline Fleming - Страница 9

Chapter 7


It’s ten-thirty in the evening and Stephanie is dressing to go out dancing. She and Trish just finished dinner from room service along with a couple bottles of wine.

“You haven’t said Steph, where’s Keir tonight?” using the same pet name that Steph herself uses for Keiran.

“Out with a friend.” she replies flatly.

“Sure gives us a perfect opportunity to get out and let loose. Why are you with him anyway, he’s lame?” she whines, “he never likes to party and he hates it when I’m around.”

“He doesn’t hate it when you are around silly he’s the one that suggested we hang out tonight. Now let’s focus on what we are going to do tonight, not on what he thinks or where he is.”

“Okay,” Trish shrugs, “are you ready?” she asks as she reaches out and runs her hands over Steph’s nearly sheer, body hugging mini dress revealing her unrestrained breasts, that Trish allows her fingers to dance over briefly before gliding her hands down to her panty-less rear. “I’d say you are!” Trish teases.

Groaning, Stephanie reaches out and slips the spaghetti straps off Trish’s shoulders allowing her dress to fall to the floor, caressing Trish’s small, perfect little breasts, kisses her from her collarbone up her neck whispering “Later, let’s go stir up some trouble first.” with that she turns on her heel, picks up her tiny Chanel cocktail purse throwing the chain strap over her shoulder. Cocking an eyebrow, looking back at Trish standing there naked, she teasingly asks, “Ready?”

Howling with laughter Trish pulls her dress back up, “You are in rare form, which by the way I like a heck of a lot more than you pretending to be a dowdy housewife. This is going to be a night to remember!”

They jump in a taxi for the short drive to the nearest set of dancing clubs, throwing the driver an enormous amount of Dirhams they ask him to be their driver for the night which he accepts.

The first club they enter is very subdued, more lounge-like than they are looking for but a couple of gentlemen in a curving blue velvet booth in the corner notices them right away and the girls notices the men noticing them. They smile a knowing look at each other and head towards the unsuspecting men.

As they approach the table, both men stand up introducing themselves, “Hello, I’m Stan.”

“And I’m Yosef; can we buy you two ladies a drink?”

“I’m Trish and this is Steph, and yes we can start with a couple of drinks.” she says suggestively.

Allowing the ladies to slide into the booth and then taking their seats again, they motion towards the server, “what’ll it be?”

“Vodka shots with orange slices.” Steph offers deflecting the alarmed look from Trish. Obviously, Trish thinks to herself, she’s going to get numb tonight and do things she won’t remember in the morning. Good, it’s about time.

The men, casting happy glances at each other, are happy to oblige.

After four shots Steph is feeling bolder, prettier, and wanted. Wanted is something that Keiran never makes her feel. With Keiran she feels as though he could take her or leave her. She starts trying to wrestle with her thoughts… (I’m not in love with Keiran but I do enjoy getting photographed with him on the rare occasion that it happens, and I do want to make a movie with him. I don’t particularly care for sex with Keiran, not because he isn’t good in bed because he is, he’s fantastic, it’s just that I like to have Trish in the bed with me, she thinks reasoning with herself and admitting that she’s never asked, suspecting that he would say no…although she honestly cannot imagine how any guy wouldn’t be interested in that! God how I prefer threesomes! Foursomes are okay too, but Trish and me with a guy, there’s nothing hotter…) her thoughts trail away as Stan brings her back to the present trying to kiss her.

“What are you doing!?” she demands.

“What?! I’m doing exactly what you want me to do!”

“Except that you’re not! We’re into drinking and dancing and then we’ll see what we’d like to do…” As she teasingly pulls his hand off the table, parts her legs ever so slightly, allowing his fingers to find the reward that he may or may not get depending on how the night goes. Just as he is starting to enjoy himself, probing more, trying to get deeper, she pulls his hand away places it on his lap and crosses her legs.

“Then let’s move to the next club so that we can get the dancing over with!” he demands angrily downing his shot, slams the glass onto the table and stands.

“Okay, let’s go.” She said laughing.

Stan threw some Dirhams on the table and they left. On their way to the next nightclub, Steph motions to the taxi driver who follows them the half block and finds a parking spot where he can keep an eye on the door.

As they enter, the girls feel the rhythm of the music vibrating up through their bodies and they instantly take to the dance floor. Strobe lights are flashing, Madonna resonating, hot sweaty bodies bumping and grinding on the floor as Stan and his son, Yosef, stand there sweating just watching the girls dance with each other, looking at each other not believing their luck. Hours later, the girls wet with sweat and pleasantly drunk having had vodka all night, are being sexually suggestive and ready to leave. Stan looks at his watch, its three o’clock in the morning and I’m worn out, he thinks to himself, but I’ll be damned if I admit it. I’ve been waiting all night to have sex with this woman that’s half my age and it’s even better that my son is going to get some action too. Yosef is his oldest son and at thirty-four years old, he’s letting himself get out of shape. He’ll eventually land a wife Stan knows, simply by being rich. He is particularly fond of Yosef because Yosef has tried the hardest to learn the business to be able to take over from Stan some day, partly because he has always wanted to and partly because anything else has never been an option for him. He hasn’t been able to play and womanize the way his younger brother, Solomon has and heaven knows Dinorah will never work a day in her life. Stephanie’s whine brings him back to the present, “Staaannn, I’m ready to gooo, take me hooommmme.” He smiles reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Viagra and pops it into his mouth, I’m not taking any chances tonight he thinks to himself.

They head out and get into the taxi making the short trip to Stephanie’s hotel.

FUN Can Be Murder

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