Читать книгу FUN Can Be Murder - Jacqueline Fleming - Страница 6

Chapter 4


A beach ball bounces off his leg, bringing his thoughts to the present. He smiles at the kid who ran to get it apologizing for hitting him; he waves him off and stands. I wonder how long I’ve been sitting here I don’t have my watch or my cell phone. Perhaps a quick swim will help he sighs. He walks into the warm water and tries to let it soothe his mind but regardless how hard he swims he can’t get Kathryn off his mind. Kathryn, hell he even likes her name and enjoys saying it over and over again in his mind. After what seemed like hours but was more like thirty minutes, deciding its futile, he walks out of the water, puts his tee-shirt back on and absentmindedly heads towards his hotel, the Royal Mirage, a five-star resort that is unassuming, tastefully decorated, with impeccable service. Management is fully aware that their clients not only desire anonymity, but demand it, and the staff at the Royal Mirage is all happy to oblige. As Keiran enters, the hotel manager happens to be walking by, “Good afternoon, Mr. Reece.”

“Good afternoon” Keiran responds with a nod.

“Shall I reserve a table for two in one of our dining rooms for tonight?”

“Ah, no, that won’t be necessary but I could use your help. I’m meeting a friend at the Burj Al Arab tonight. Would you mind making arrangements for us to dine at one of their restaurants at seven?”

“Yes sir, consider it done. Enjoy your evening.”

“I appreciate your help, thank you.” Keiran says as he reaches the elevator that just opened onto the lobby. He enters, and with a deep sigh, he thinks how nice it is to be in there alone. As he approaches his suite, he starts feeling pangs of guilt; he curses them away and opens the door.

Closing the door behind him, he’s pleased that Stephanie is not here. Good, time for a quick shower. It’s nearly five o’clock he notices as he turns the shower on entering once it’s hot and steamy. His thoughts turn to the matter at hand. It’s not as if he and Steph talked about exclusivity, monogamy, or anything long-term. While he realizes that it was probably implied since he has not dated anyone but her for the past year, he has never promised her anything. He never does, he does not commit. Not since that relationship that seems like a lifetime ago. It is far easier to play at the game of life rather than invest in it. Investing causes people to get hurt…causes him to get hurt. His mind went to his friend, Sandy, “You need someone or something in your life to love. Why don’t you adopt a cat or even a dog?” Seemed like an innocent statement from a caring friend, but he’s not even willing to let a pet into his heart he thinks as he shrugs to himself. Then why in the hell are you turning your life upside down to have dinner tonight with someone that you just met this afternoon, not believing in the adage that everything happens for a reason, is it by simple accident or Divine intervention, he questions sarcastically. And the moment that she walked by him saying “hello” plays over and over in his mind and just thinking about her gets his pulse rate up. “Damn it!” he says aloud and in return he hears, “Damn what?” Great, she’s home, he thinks to himself.

“Oh nothing just got soap in my eyes.”

“Are you okay?” she asks concerned, “I’ll rinse it out when I get in there, just give me a minute.”

Panic sets in (get in here?? I don’t want her to get in here with me while I’m thinking of Kathryn…get out Keiran, get out!) he thinks to himself. Too late… the shower door opens and she steps in.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Keir, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I’m fine.” secretly detesting how she shortens his name. He begins to think again about dinner tonight with Kathryn. Forcing his attention on the matters at hand, he thinks…Stephanie is a perfectly nice, pretty woman. Tall, thin, and blond, with high, rounded breasts thanks to her plastic surgeon. She always accommodates him by doing whatever he wants, hoping of course for help in getting movie roles. Occasionally pouting and whining when he disagrees with her or doesn’t want to do what she wants. This, Keiran admits, annoys the shit out of him.

“You act like you don’t even notice me here, running my soapy hands all over you.” she complains.

“Actually, I was just about to get out, he says as he pushes her hands off and turns to rinse the soap off, I ran into an old friend this afternoon (just a small white lie he thinks to himself – not an old friend yet) and have agreed to meet for dinner. Why don’t you ring up your friend, Trish, who just happens to be in the area wherever we are.” he said with slight annoyance as he steps from the shower. Trish is Stephanie’s best friend or at the very least her favorite gal pal to party with. Keiran doesn’t party, not anymore, not ever again, and he wouldn’t normally care if Steph did, but everywhere in the world they go to get away Trish is not far away.

Since Keiran wouldn’t normally make such a suggestion it raises her suspicions. “What friend are you meeting, and why can’t I come along?” Steph whines.

“Look,” Keiran says losing his patience just a bit, drying off, “I’m going to do my thing tonight, why don’t you just do yours and we’ll chat tomorrow.”

“Fine.” she said with a very flat, angry tone. She knew better than to push him though. If she pushed he would just shut down completely and there would be no chatting tomorrow. She didn’t think he would be out with another woman anyway since she’s too pretty for him to turn his back on. He usually just went out with some guy that happened into the area to play cards and smoke cigars, or he rented a motorcycle and went for a spin and he’s definitely not getting her on the back of one of those things. Separate tonight will have to do. She intentionally stays in the shower until after he leaves the bathroom. When she finally begins to dry off she notices that it is nearly six-thirty and she catches a glimpse of Keiran as he is leaving the suite. Seeing him dressed in a navy blue suit, with a crisp white shirt, which he left open at the neck, cuffed sleeves and shiny loafers she knows, she knows that he is not merely dining with a friend. He looks…like a man dressed to impress a woman. Her heart sinks and she reaches for her cell phone, “Trish, hey it’s me Steph…let’s PARTY!” she exudes trying not to sound hurt.

FUN Can Be Murder

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