Читать книгу FUN Can Be Murder - Jacqueline Fleming - Страница 7

Chapter 5


Keiran exits the taxi taking a deep breath to settle his nerves as he walks into the lobby. Every time he enters this hotel, it takes his breath away with its obscenely beautiful, over the top extravagance. So opulent and awe inspiring beautiful a simply perfect place to meet someone like Kathryn. Nervous now thinking that the chances of her not even showing up tonight are great, his gaze travels around the lobby, noticing the various groups of men in their traditional dishdashas, couples and families, and then he stops dead still as his eyes fall on a woman standing in the middle of the lobby with her back to him speaking to a manager of the hotel. He takes a sharp breath and notices his pulse quickening, his mouth suddenly dry and a lump in his throat. God is she beautiful! Her gorgeous hair, cascading in curls down her back, the Vera Wang navy blue dress that she is wearing scooping to the small of her back exposing her perfectly tanned, smooth bare back. Seeing her standing there so regal and so seemingly comfortable in the surroundings causes a stirring in his mind and groin. He begins walking in her direction while letting his eyes continue drinking in her image, down her long legs to her gold, high-heeled sandals, with one strap over her toes and one thin strap around her ankles. She is an incredible sight and at that very moment he knew he had to have her.

Very quietly he approaches his left hand in his pants pocket and with his right he reaches up and gently touches her elbow which causes her to look at him and smile, setting him at ease immediately.

“Hi, it’s so good to see you,” she said smiling and sounding genuinely happy to see him, “this is Basil; he is one of the hotel managers. Basil, this is Keiran.”

Reaching out offering his hand Keiran responds, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Basil, you must be very proud to work at such an incredible resort.”

“Yes, very much so, may I show you both to your awaiting table?”

“Please.” Keiran responds while putting his hand on the small of Kathryn’s back.

The touch of his warm hand on the small of her back sends tremors up her spine. She concentrates to keep from shivering as a result. Smiling as she looks up at him, she turns to her left in front of Keiran to follow Basil. In so doing, Keiran is able to walk beside her on her left keeping his right hand on the small of her back where it had landed moments before.

Basil escorts them into the Al Mahara restaurant located on the ground floor through the simulated submarine ride that the staff made sure was empty save for themselves. Its sweeping aquariums, soft lighting, and harpist made it an excellent choice. Basil shows them to a private table nestled in a corner tucked away by two aquariums. It’s almost as if they are by themselves surrounded by an array of tropical fish. “Please let me know should you require anything else, Mr. Reece,” as he nods at Keiran, and then turns and nods towards Kathryn, “enjoy your time with us.” A simultaneous, “thank you” and, he quietly disappears.

A bottle of Cristal champagne is at the table and two glasses already poured, along with some warm bread slices, assorted cheeses, and fresh chopped fruit. Keiran picks up a glass, lifting it he says, “To you” and Kathryn does the same responding, “And you” she adds with a smile. Just looking at her makes his heart sing. She is wearing hardly any make-up at all he notices, a subtle lip gloss, no rings, small unassuming earrings, no necklace around her long slender neck, her sleeveless dress coming to a moderate scoop in the front with a twist detail just to the right of center under her breast in an accordion pleated detail, revealing a navy jacquard print. She is however, wearing six or seven thin gold bracelets on her left arm that tinkle like little wind chimes whenever she moves her arm. He tries to shake the appraising thoughts from his mind by taking a long drink of his champagne. Reaching for the bottle to top off their glasses he asks, “Have you dined here before?”

“No, this is my first time in this particular restaurant. I have eaten upstairs in the Al Muntaha; the food was fabulous so I am sure we are in for quite a treat tonight. Have you dined here before?” She asks hoping that this is indeed his first time here as well. She can’t help but notice the suit, looks like Armani she decides. It fits his broad shoulders, the sleeves ease down his long arms, perfectly tailored.

“No I haven’t but I have had drinks upstairs in the Skyview Bar though.”

“One has the most unbelievable view from there, don’t you agree?”

“Yes, incredible.”

“I’m so sorry,” she says with a nervous giggle, “this is all very new for me and I’m a bit nervous. I’m sure I will be able to relax a bit as we enjoy our dinner.”

“Absolutely nothing to apologize for, you don’t look the least bit nervous to me, just more gorgeous than ever.”

She blushes and averts her eyes as she tries to find the right words to graciously accept his compliment and settles on a simple but heartfelt, “thank you.”

The server approaches to take their order, reaches to scrape the crumbs from the table he accidentally knocks over Kathryn’s glass of ice water onto her lap. All at once it became very chaotic, Kathryn gasps at the coldness of the water, leaps to her feet to try to shake off the excess water, Keiran stands, angry at the clumsiness of the server, walks around the mayhem to Kathryn to see if he can help, and of course, the server and the restaurant manager profusely apologizing, offering to do anything at all to make it right. Just as Keiran starts to make a smart ass suggestion, Kathryn gently places her hand inside his and he’s immediately disarmed, she says ever so sweetly, looking straight into his eyes “Although jackets are required for men, I may need to borrow yours just to stay warm” and then adds with a light laugh, “That was quite an awakening!” Continuing she says, “Thank you both very much, we are fine, truly fine, and are looking forward to our dinner. Aren’t we Keiran?”

Smiling and allowing himself to relax once again, “Yes, very much so.” he looks at her, puts her left hand into his left hand and pulls out her chair, leaning over whispering in her ear, “Let me know the moment you have a chill.” and with his warm breath on her ear she feels a chill run from the nape of her neck to the tips of her toes.

She looks down and closes her eyes to still her reaction, lifts her eyes to his and replies, “Thank you, I will.”

Once they gave their orders; vegetable soup and the grilled scallops served on a creamed leak puree smothered disk of puff pastry topped with truffle shavings for her, and soup, salad, and snapper, which came to the table whole, for him. They manage to make it through dinner learning very little more about each other than they knew when they started. Although the atmosphere was perfect, the servers who were superb still caused the conversation to pause every time they approached. Feeling a little frustrated because he truly wanted to learn all of the intimate details of her and her life, he asks for another bottle of Cristal and a couple glasses, he pays the bill and asks, “How do you feel about taking a walk on the beach?”

“I would love it!” she beams.

Just as they exit the restaurant Basil appears carrying a light blanket, “Thank you, Basil, you have helped to make this evening memorable. Good night.” Keiran said handing him a large amount of dirhams and taking the blanket. Carrying the bottle of champagne in his left hand, with the blanket over his left arm, and he has two champagne flutes upside down in his right hand, carrying them by the stems. He gently points her in the right direction by lightly putting his arm across her back when she turns and says, “How would you feel about going back to the beach where we met earlier today?”

“I’d like that.” he replies, “I’ll grab a taxi.”

“Not necessary, I have my car. The valet will bring it around.”

“Of course you have your car… I lost my mind for a moment.” He said with a laugh.

Just as they reach the valet area her ice blue Audi R8 is brought to a stop. As she starts forward he asks with surprise, “This is yours?”

With a slight smile and light laugh she responds, “Yes, isn’t he beautiful?”

Keiran let out a whistle and says, “Yes, very.”

She slips the glasses from his hand and places them safely on the storage shelf behind her seat separated by her small clutch. Keiran tips the valet and holds the door for Kathryn himself. As she eases into the driver seat, she snaps her seat belt, the seat and mirrors adjusting automatically with a touch of a button. Keiran closes the door and leans down to the open window and whispers “Are you sure?” Kathryn nods and smiles in response and Keiran walks around the back of the car smiling broadly and enters the open passenger door, tucks the blanket in the back on the ledge by the flutes, and carefully wedges the bottle of champagne between the blanket and the interior side of the car, then settles in beside Kathryn and fastens his seat belt. They are underway, both of them trying not to think too far ahead of themselves. Keiran notices that Sugar Pie Honey Bunch is playing, “Temptations fan?”

Smiling she glances over at him, “Isn’t everyone? I only live a few minutes from here so we will be there in no time.” she says glancing over at him.

“There’s no reason to be in a hurry.” he said smiling, “I have to say I’m impressed that not only do you have a car with a manual transmission, you manage the gears with finesse.”

“Thank you!” she said half smiling, half laughing.

“You must tell me though, how did a nice girl like you end up with a car like this?”

“A moment of insanity, really! I wanted something new and different for my life here in Dubai and I just fell in love with this car the moment I saw it. I’m usually always saving for the future and for the ‘what ifs’ in life, and this year I decided that I would indulge in a few things.” She continues with a shrug, “This happens to be one of them.”

“Nice choice.” He said with a smile.

She glances his way and smiles broadly.

Keiran sits back, enjoying the salty breeze coming from the coast, Kathryn’s hair blowing in the breeze as the car roars down the road. He is intently listening to her music collection noting that she quietly sings along, taps her fingers on the steering wheel or pats her hand on her lap with the beat to every song that plays. He likes that she really enjoys herself. When the Temptations ended, Cold As Ice by Foreigner began playing, The Nearness Of You by Rod Stewart, followed by I Could Have Danced All Night by the Royal Manchester Ballroom Orchestra. Following the orchestra All Summer Long by Kid Rock played prompting Keiran to say, “You have an eclectic taste in music.”

“I enjoy all kinds of music, don’t you?” She asked.

Nodding, “Yes, yes I do.” He said smiling, “Who was your favorite performer when you were growing up? Oh wait, let me guess, hmmm, Sean Cassidy?”


“Leif Garrett?”


“Okay I give up.”

“I was into a ton of bands and singers. I listened to different music depending on my mood but I had a crush on Andy Gibb.” Kathryn said smiling.

Acting like he just got shot in the heart, “Oh no! Not Andy Gibb!” he said laughing, “Let me guess, was it his smile?”

Laughing lightly, she said demurely, “Oh Keiran, it was his everything.” Making them both laugh out loud.

FUN Can Be Murder

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