Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 17

Axiom: Those who have no desire to use their own mind, agree most often.


The symbolic mind’s lack of self-introspective is a disorder resulting from the dissection and separation of the sensory system, from one sense being disengaged from the others. Wall-papering the cerebral memory chamber with binary symbols changed the human being into a word puppet. He fell victim to his own very lucrative labels and tags. Our bio-stasis is a deteriorating condition. Symbols that cannot self-expunge, result in brain damage. Illusion and delusions of grandeur, the long-term residual side effects, are not just a mental illness, they are actual brain damage.

Genetically, the human being listens and reconnects to the biological self through feelings which represent the Genesis energy flow, the living truth. This realignment is a necessary part of the human mind’s introspective biological dynamics and must precede a mental healing of dimensionality. From generations of handed down biological fear and symbols soup, our bio-stigma accumulated as a built-in bio-depression which shuts down the brain’s efficiency to a crawl, a binary crawl, a flat line word processing reason based intent assembly line. The idea is to step away from the symbols-product assembly line.

We devolved into imbecilic drones with paper credentials, paid for from the sale of the human soul. False hope laced fake fear to a permanent insanity. Feeling-direct-knowing is a dimensional realm we were born to live in and by but it has been converted to a word pretend state of the remembered mind which is a confused, split mind. We are afraid now because we are so far from our biological dimensional home. Return to the point where your Genesis child was cast aside and traded for symbols manipulation.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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