Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 8
Axiom: All symbols came from a make-believe naming of things.
ОглавлениеBefore symbols there was only direct knowing. After symbols, the eyes received the light of written nothingness and the ears the sound of spoken nothingness. Man began to choose to live with the nothingness by following and agreeing with all the made-to-order pretenses and binary symbols truth. Because of binary symbols truth, the dimensional living bio-truth is held captive in us awaiting release. We are very nervous and anxious because of this biological fact. Genesis is constantly taunting us.
Emotions are the key to the symbols abyss. Still obvious today, organized religious symbols idolatry threw away the living truth of what the man Christ stood for. We continue to worship the stick of wood that he was nailed to, said to be holy, but an idol nevertheless. Why worship the symbol of the death of the man instead of the life and teachings of the man. The wise freedoms spoken by Jesus were tossed out centuries ago by word pushing pundits who never once addressed the real historical Christ and what he stood for. With binary symbols pushing they protected their rights to occupy profitable binary roles in the symbols based fear miasma.
The armored plated all or nothing slugs that run the symbols mind-game, always do it from some hidden room, into which no one is allowed but well paid, devoted hirelings. We will never know the hidden forces that lurk below the demarcation of our symbols absolution. We allow it with our ignorance. We claim it as our right! Biological death will be swift and quick just as will be the dawning of your very own Genesis mystery awaking. Go ahead take your new feelings for a test run. Grasp one axiom a day—watch and wait and listen and see if there is any truth.