Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 21

Axiom: The living truth will find YOU quickly if you open your eyes. You will hear, if you listen from the inside, the soft in-dwelling sound of your own life giving voice.


When Genesis awareness fails, the individual is lost. The hollow doer loses himself in the crowd, establishes himself in a fear group, which becomes even more afraid as they concoct and propose and push their fears into symbolic submission by furthering their all or nothing beliefs. Like the atom, compression precedes explosion.

Groups join the synergistic parade of the new false tags and labels which they vicariously agree will make everything better. Of course it does not. Rather than receive a living truth that is self adjusting we vie for a pretend one, totally unaccountable. Obedience is judged for the symbolic intent. Agreed evil as a cooperative blame. Top to bottom, bottom to top. It is all the same.

So the goal of the agreement process is to plague humanity with so many symbols that it will self-exhaust, fall asleep, forge a pact with ersatz hypocrisy, not caring about the living truth that is swelling in every man’s biological fiber. The devil’s version of a mind-bent hell is the biological stasis need for a symbols/words agreement process. The sins of humanity are before us. Biologically we are in the after-stages of our biological self induced nightmare. The false God of the word trapped man in his own slippery pretend symbolic dream-scape. Black clouds on the horizon portend the stormy eruption in the minds of the omega symbols man. The shifting sands of his illusion will bury him.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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