Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 22

Axiom: The study we call divinity, is actually a human fear-based biological study.


No other binary word makes as many enemies and victims as the words “reason” and “blame.” Who controls those words with armed aggression? What is the difference between symbolic intent and the living truth? Define what is real from what is unreal when we made it all up in the first place.

Custom designed symbols lead the procession of the fear mongers who know how to use empowered fear against us and rely on its unending supply of symbols dolts. Our pretend-pretense symbolic laws depend on legislating our fears into the memory mind, because that is all we are using right now, a binary puppet mind. We are half a brain away from nowhere and in a biological still born state of imprinting symbols slavery on the Genesis child. The bottom is cemented to the degenerate top and the top is glued to the clueless bottom. Call it a paradox, a catch 22, the individual we were meant to be is discarded mentally, forfeited for a symbolic goal. Consider the Christ concept. Throw away the man and the message, keep and worship the wooden stick where he died. Symbols sell, people do not, unless they become the symbol, but then even they will be discarded for new ones.

The symbols based in anxieties we are told to trust fully are the same ones we imprint our kids with, religiously. Control symbols at all cost is a government motto. Empower the symbols that control the man and we control the human race. We agree to that. Making sure the real world remains a nasty place, forlorn and ravaged by degradation. The message has been sent. It can be received only by the ones who can speak Genesis. Feel the living truth and know the energy of its flow.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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