Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 41

Axiom: How many fools does it take to agree to make all of them idiots?


What is the biology of our Genesis design, if we cannot feel, think and act then re-feel, re-think and re-act until we get it straight? Until then, we are all symbols violators and must pay the legal piper for its job. The nefarious agreed they, process the word intent. Truth of what they do is not at all related to what “should be-but is not.” “Go no further.” You are the bad guy now for allowing us to get this far in our binary symbols madness.

Inversely, why do idiots agree the most? To say, bad today, good tomorrow as more bad is being made of our tomorrows. Do we get it though? We self-condemn all that is agreed not good and the balance, what’s left over, is deemed good until it also, is subjected to a new agreement and falls into another form of bad. Intent is a slide downward. This is symbols slick at its best. Each form of symbolic bad was once enjoyed as a freedom. Imagine that if you can.

Single thug minds have pooled the resources of the agreement process and have joined in powerful groups, each with their own agreed symbolic truth. They are nearly unstoppable. The coward will always agree. Point a gun and knees are bent. We trust these people who occupy symbols way too much. Until we stop agreeing with these deadly bio-stasis symbols we are self-destructive to an omega end: world domination, symbols preoccupation. The black death associated with the last symbols Inquisition is not over. Instead, we have merely dressed our symbols in sheep’s clothing, but the sound they make is not that of a sheep. It is no longer a silent, unheard scream in our word filled heads. Symbols kill.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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