Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 24
Axiom: To deny your own bio-living truth: feeling, is to commit suicide.
ОглавлениеWe imprint the brain with the filth of our stupefied pretend symbols to control them. Denying our very own life energy transference, which actually contains the full measure of the direct knowing living truth, which becomes a seamless, teller/seer. To deny the living truth is to die from the inside out. Life energy cannot be separated from itself. Any piece of tissue taken from the being will die. Our pretend truth is all bits and pieces taken out of the whole. We are all dying and we can feel it. The senses cannot function property when split, which we have done in order to control symbols. We managed to cut ourselves off from our own innate Genesis self-awareness. What we do now, en-mass, in a certifiably agreed/pretend binary symbols knowledge stasis, is to run the gamut of installing and implementing agreed pretense word-think factory methods. Institutional coordinated insanities insure stasis fear and guarded hearts. Ask not why the genetics of man are leaning toward more and more cancer which destroys the inside, as the outside looks on with dead pan eyes.
No one really knows what is going on in the high places. No one will say. No one trusts their Genesis instinctual feeling knowing capacity. So what is one insanity traded for another in the grand symbols scheming arena? Is there anything man will not seek to profit from? No one can profit from a living truth that shares. There are those who are brought up with rigid symbols confidence and stern obedience to the pecking order. Those who gladly kowtow to receive and preserve their share of the symbolic right fall head long into the agreement word processing of the human being. They will process the down sided view of what life should be for the want to get away with something. How many uniforms hold this particular view?