Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 35

Axiom: The Omega empowered man, whose job it is to insure symbols compliance, wants full control over all human beings on earth.


It is only our preoccupied symbols darkness we are afraid of, and should be. We live in the illusion of our symbols delusion. In bio-stigma we live in a bio-stasis sleep. In counterfeit time we compress our minds and dilute our lives. Even though we are based in a celestial event real time, expanding to feel what must be felt, we sense the insanity of our symbols creations. We, by our binary symbols agreement, are inviting a preoccupation of an eventual total black death, a breach that super-imposes still another fear over the original bio-fear, “empowered techno-fear.” When in total legal bind we are going to be shut off from the ability to access the Genesis awareness being. Our bio-alarm system is already being ignored. Symbols domination will disallow an event real reality. Personal freedom will be abandoned for judgmental blame which will entitle the omega group to be the keeper of the masses. All will be centered on group performance, all will play the game or be cast into the abyss.

Before Genesis warning fear, our bio-Genesis awareness is a direct knowing feeling of being able to be comfortable with a self-adjusting seamless living truth. We are a passive self-decision making human species headed for the locked gates of a symbols ruled hell where nothing comes without a prejudged action, based on man-made, made-up, armed force fear. We will have allowed this by saying nothing as the legal bind permits this kind of get-away with, all or nothing binary group agreement. Hell is by permission only, given and received. Agreements, the ones you personally would not have made are being made for you. Think about that, please.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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