Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 29

Axiom: We are how many agreements away from full blown insanity?


Wait until you see the size of the empowered agreement processes shadow lurking over us from above. Black death will be a rather tame word compared to what the empowered symbols occupation is willing to do if it thinks it is about to lose the pretended ground it stole years ago.

Imagine when binary symbols finally decay and psychological implanted binary duplicity is finally obvious. The mind is a not a juggler but is forced to juggle symbols. It is expected to put together a ragged edged symbols puzzle in a way that makes no sense except in abstract demands. The final picture is irrelevant but not to the empowered word God of men. Continuity of the living scenarios are turned against the creature’s biological dignities. The human being feels in dynamic grasp, continuity of a Genesis sustained logic. The real bio-mind is not a bit part player.

What will happen when our institutions, who use binary symbols on others, have their symbols used against them? This is inevitable, as all fear created heroes are eventually condemned, even the superfluous crew of agreed science of “trip and stumble over discovery.” The agreement word/symbols process thinks itself fail-safe through self-supporting credentials. The psycho-power grid is a show of organized symbols motives. One lies and the other swears to it. How easy is it to gain power over ignorance? Join it! Where exactly, the bottom is, is always an illusion, isn’t it? Perhaps the bottom is rising.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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