Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 18

Axiom: In a binary symbols quagmire we have agreed our way into insanity.


We are biologically and naturally designed to be afraid of symbols idolatry and shut down when faced with a make-believe symbols world. We are self stabilizing, made to fall asleep in our mindless doing as agreements seek to overpower the mind. Fear, functioning as the biological friend of the feeling creature, causes us to feel uncomfortable as we become overpowered by symbols. The mind will fight for its living real, refusing to function in binary all or nothing waves. Information from the rest of the senses create a feeling back-up, a blockage, causing a symbolically created internal self-abused brain to exist over a once child-like cohesive whole unified mind. It is the genuine knowing mind that suffers symbols indignity. There is no dignity in the man-made word. It wears the insignia of its insanity and agrees with it and gets paid for it as the world starves emotionally because of it.

Through centuries of intent based binary symbols use, the human mind is still trying to adapt to a mental self-abuse. So, in a fog like stasis, the mind begins to believe in symbols, becoming a caricature of the mind. The purpose of a symbols mind is to control man’s doing. We live what is called a directives based doing. As this happens, the memory mind begins to traumatize. As the word/symbols remembered mind becomes the product of this altered state, it reaches the subconscious working elements of a flat, reactionary mind. A reduced and limiting mind, further trapped. “It feels like Hell; no wonder that comes out as a wrong.”

The senses realize that there is an intruder inside our mind and reacts to the faulty data from outside the self. The seamless truth is being fractured.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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