Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 47

Axiom: Our Genesis Biology forbids deception at the expense of its own innate biological purpose.


We are told, and blindly believe, the convenient story which dress-up religions made-up to look pious and to control the weak minds of the masses with fear and guilt. If they actually taught the message and purpose of the real Jesus, we would become kinder and gentler and would share and care rather than judge. And we would come to trust our own genesis voice. Has this been the outcome? Certainly not. The absence of the truth is enforced by institutions of symbolic guilt. Intent is devoid of guilt!

Can we see, then reject seeing for a word that will keep us blind? What is hypocrisy, but the state of being blind and asleep? Symbols junkies are trained for performance rated doing. Agreed authority offers itself as the cure for all emotional and psychological dysfunctions, which the system pretends to protect, to protect us. The human creature is tricked unwittingly at first, but never really unwillingly. The bio-mind will not allow it for very long. Profit is built into all laws. More laws, more profit. Will law enforcement soon be the only source of revenue? Why are so many so nervous all the time? Think about what’s going on in the human mind. Feel, reject feeling to agree. Feel less, agree more. Could that make them, us, biologically nervous? In Genesis knowing, we can feel and do as must be done, without question.

Genesis subversion is at a crucial turning point. We must act now before the bio-gene-pool is totally at the mercy of the organized symbols butchers. The conscious mind is an inherited degenerate. A mind bred in hostility will produce a primal survival animal. We will have lost what conscious ground we have gained.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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